Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"The emperor, his subordinates are only guards, and they dare not offend the queen's golden body. This kind of undressing, please forgive your subordinates for not being able to order, or ask the emperor to do it yourself.

Chasing the wind's face flushed red, holding his airway.

This was the first time in his life that he violated the command of the master. It was because he was too angry. In his heart, his respect and respect for Shen Ning was no less than half that of the emperor. In this look, he couldn't help it.

This sentence of him can be said to be extremely rebellious, enough to provoke Mo Chuan and demand his head.

If Xiao Si heard it, he would certainly scold him loudly.

But chasing the wind does not care, the master may not care about the death of the queen, but he cares! Even if he angered the master and was cut off, he would say!

How could Mo Chuan not be angry, but gave him a light look.

"Do you really think that the body you are holding is her?"

"Is not it?"

"of course not."


Chasing the wind suddenly dumbfounded, he looked at Mo Chuan in disbelief, and said in a naughty way: "How could it not be? She obviously has the human skin mask that the emperor often wears, and she also wears the snow silk clothes that the queen's mother never leaves. And this peacock opens ... "

Mo Chuan sneered slightly, and said, "Yes, this is what I want to show my strength, and to add something to the snake. If things are done too much, they show flaws."

Chasing the wind frowned: "Master, can you speak clearly, and your subordinates cannot understand."

Mo Chuan said calmly: "First do what I told you to bury her, then I will tell you slowly."

Chasing the wind looked down at the female corpse in her arms, daring not to start.

"Master, if ... in case ... she really is ..."

"In no case, she is definitely not Ninger!" Mo Chuan said with certainty.

"it is good."

Chasing the wind nodded, he believed Mo Chuan's judgment, the master never missed one thing.

"This girl has to offend you in the end, please don't blame you."

He put down the female corpse, carefully took off the silkworm clothing, took off the peacock to open the screen, then dug a deep pit, put the female corpse in the pit, and buried the soil.

Although Mo Chuan was quite sure that the female body was not the queen's empress, she was still very cautious and careful in her pursuit of the wind.

Mo Chuan held the snow silk clothes and the peacock screen and the human skin mask in his hands, watching silently, his face still calm.

Chasing the wind does not dare to speak, let alone how to comfort, can only stand still.

He knew that the relationship between the master and the man was too deep and too deep. No matter what, he was buried in his heart, so that no one could touch it, and no one could see his pain.

As for how tormented the master's heart was, he could not imagine it, but he could imagine it.

Finally, I found some clues about the Queen Mother, and it disappeared again.

More likely, the buried female corpse is the empress queen, but the master is unwilling to believe, and even less willing to admit, that he is cheating himself and cheating everyone.

Chasing the wind hardly dare to think about it.

"Let's go."

Mo Chuan didn't know how long he stood, and finally put the three things in his hand into his arms, and then said to Chafeng.

"Yes, Master."

Chasing the wind did not dare to ask where to go, anyway, the master said to go, he followed.

He silently followed Mochuan behind.

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