Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The Lord Zixiao Pavilion waved his hand and said: "I will never put it in my heart. If you are seriously injured, you will inevitably be in a bad mood, and your uncle will not blame you."

He flicked a finger to the right, and a panacea fell on the palm of a thousand-faced man. He said: "Just now, the righteous father was annoyed and hurt you. This spirit panacea can cure your wounds and greatly improve your skill. benefit."

"Thank you, righteous father!"

Thousand-faced Master was shocked and delighted. He realized that this scarlet red medicine was an Yijin Dan made by his father after collecting more than 20 kinds of rare and precious materials, which can enhance the internal strength of the martial arts practitioners. Because the medicinal materials are very rare, and it is even more difficult to refine them, so the father-in-law has only refined eight of them in the past ten years.

But his righteous father gave himself one as soon as he shot it, and he was very grateful for this love.

"Swallow it quickly, this medicine will soon disappear, don't waste the medicine." The Lord Zixiao said.

"Yes, righteous father."

Qianmianzi quickly put Yi Jin Dan in his mouth and swallowed it.

In a moment, he felt a warm heat walking endlessly along his limbs and bones, wherever he went was like soaking in the hot spring. Soon, the pain in his chest stopped, and he was energetic Zhen, although the trauma is still serious, but the internal breath has become lively and full.

He jumped up from the ground, his pale and bloodless face glowed faintly, his eyes bright and bright.

"Father, this medicine is really magical. Xiaoer's internal injuries are already healed. Let's hurry and go to the Shenhe Valley?" He couldn't wait.

Lord Zixiao looked dignified and did not immediately answer, but pondered: "We have no contact with Divine Doctor Gu Su, let alone have any friendships, I heard that the First Divine Doctor has a strange temper, and there are three incurable, and You are in the category of his three incurables, but in any case, I will take you to try it. "

He was proud of nature and never bowed his head to ask for help. He remembered going to the Valley of the Healing Doctors, fearing that he would eat a bowl of closed door soup, so he could not think twice.

But when I thought about not going, I was afraid that Yoshiko's left hand would be abandoned. After thinking about it, he still made a decision.

Thousand-faced son remembered that he had just hit his righteous father, but now the righteous father wants to ask the divine doctor to heal himself for himself, and he is very ashamed.

"Father, your old man has limited mobility. This time I went to Shenhe Valley, and Brother II gave me away." He thought about it.

The principal of Zixiao Pavilion shook his head and said: "You are so injured, your two brothers alone are afraid of poor support, and your uncle is worried that there will be an accident on your way."

The thousand-faced son heard that his uncle cares about him like this, and is grateful and ashamed. He said: "The uncle can rest assured that the two brothers are superior in martial arts and wary. They will surely **** me to the Valley of Divine Doctors. Yes, nothing will happen. Your uncle, you still stay here. Although Xiaoer is incompetent, he must never let his uncle bow his head to others for me. "

The main face of Zixiao Pavilion hesitated, still hesitating.

Thousand-faced Master said again: "Fair Father, Brother II and I will go, no matter whether the Divine Physician promises to cure me, will not fall into the name of our Zixiao Pavilion. Outside the door, how do you make Xiaoer feel at ease? "

Hearing the words, Lord Zixiao finally nodded.

"Okay, then let your second brother send you to the doctor for medical treatment."

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