Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He rushed over, grabbed her arm, and threw her down the bed like a rag.

This **** liar, thought that a leather mask like Ning Er could be pretended to be Ning Er? What's her dirty and cheap thing, what's the right to sleep in Ning'er's bed!

The more he thought, the more angry he was, lifting his feet, and hitting her chest was a heavy kick.

But this foot did not fall, because he heard Gu Qingze's voice rang coldly.

"You better kill her, so you can't find her again."

Chu Shaoyang withdrew his feet and looked back at Gu Qingze.

"You also admit that she is not Ning'er anymore? But she is a liar. She is dead, and she is dead. I have my own way to find Ning'er. Even if I search the world, I will find her!

Gu Qingze didn't look at him, but looked at Shen Ning, who was beaten by him, and there was a pity in his eyes.

He squatted slowly, staring at her with a soft voice: "Silly girl, open your eyes wide and see clearly. This is the man you wholeheartedly want to marry. Do you regret it now?"

She shook her head desperately, maybe Gu Qingze's voice was too gentle, so she boldly looked up at Gu Qingze, the face was blood and tears, the cheeks on both sides were red and swollen, and blood was bleeding out. , How ugly it looks like.

But Gu Qingze can be 100% sure that she is Shen Ning.

Because no one can make a human skin mask fit perfectly with the skin, and no one can fake a scar exactly the same.

There is also a person's body and bones, which is unique.

Gu Qingze's medical technique can be said to be unparalleled in the world. He only needs to glance to know whether the person in front of him is true or not, so he scoffed at Chu Shaoyang's words and didn't believe it at all.

That she is not Shen Ning? That was him blind!

"I ... I am Shen Ning, I ... I am ..." she said vaguely, her lips swollen high, like two slices of sausage, looking very funny.

Chu Shao ** didn't bother to look at this ugly monster at first glance, even though he was labeled as such by him.

But Gu Qingze had no slight disgust and disgust on his face, only pity that could not be said.

Hearing her words, he shook his head slightly.

"Shen girl, you are really obsessed, are you going to be killed by him alive?"

Tears rolled down her swollen eyes, choking: "I am, I am really ..."

"Shut up! Liar!"

Chu Shaoyang got annoyed, flew a kick, kicked her out, and slammed into the courtyard like a dead fish.

The people who were cleaning in the yard were trembling with fright, turned their heads to look around, and were frightened again.

Is this the concubine?

Gu Qingze slowly straightened his body and nodded to Chu Shaoyang: "If you move her finger again, don't blame me for being rude to you. Although I won't be able to beat you with martial arts, Gu Qingze will never I will let others practice my disciples like this! Unless you kill me now, as long as I walk out of this door, I can swear by Gu Qingze that I will never let you live in this world for more than three days! "

His words are powerful, and the sound is loud.

Chu Shaoyang Tie Qing didn't speak. He knew that Gu Qingze's words weren't intimidating, and the other party would definitely do it!

His name as the world ’s No. 1 Divine Physician is not in vain. Over the years, he has no idea how many people healed and how many offended people. With his stinky temper that ca n’t be saved, he can still live to this day. I have to say it was a miracle.

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