Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Su Jin then stopped, and she was relieved.

She was startled, turned to look at Primary Four, and asked, "What? What did you just say? Are you going out of the palace?"

"Yeah, I don't know, aunt."

The excitement that couldn't be concealed on Xiao Si's face, his eyes were even brighter.

"I don't know." Su Jin shook his head, still feeling uneasy, glanced, and found that not far from Shoukang Palace, he said: "It's inconvenient to speak here, you go to my place to sit for a while, I have something to tell you . "

Xiao Si said: "It's great. It just happens that Xiao Si has something to say to her aunt. There is one more thing to ask your aunt for advice."

Su Jin nodded and asked little, and took Xiaosijing to walk to Shoukang Palace.

When she came to her room, she finally let go of Xiaosi's hand, as if she had no energy in her body, and she sat in a chair all at once, her face very ugly.

"Aunt, are you uncomfortable? Didn't you walk too fast, too tired? Wait a minute, I'll pour you a cup of hot tea."

Primary 4 ran out, and soon after, he quickly brought in a pot of freshly brewed tea, poured a cup and handed it to Su Jin.

"Auntie, you taste the tea I brewed. It's very fragrant. Even the emperor likes to drink my tea."

Su Jin kept her eyes closed, and when she heard the words, she slowly opened her eyes, took the tea cup, looked at Xiao Si, and there was a touch of tenderness in her eyes.

"Thank you, Primary Four."

"Aunt, you are my dear aunt. You don't need to be so polite with me." Xiao Si grinned, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it in one breath.

He unkindly sat down opposite Su Jin and looked around.

Su Jin drank two hot teas and felt that her heart was no longer so calm. She settled down and saw the look of Primary Four, she couldn't help laughing:

"Have you never been to me? What are you looking for? Is the aunt's room too messy and scares you?"

Xiaosi shook his head and said, "No, my aunt's room is very neat and tidy, and even the table is spotlessly clean. Compared with your aunt, the room of Xiaosi's is like a dog kennel, and it's not lived by people at all."

Su Jin reached out and rubbed his hair and smiled: "You are a little eunuch, only knowing to serve the emperor, where will you clean up the room, and then your aunt will take care of it for you, OK?"

Xiao Sixi said: "Auntie, you're so kind to me, but I will be out of the palace tomorrow. I'm afraid it will take a long time to come back, so I don't need to trouble my aunt for the time being."

"Oh, are you going out of the palace?" Su Jin froze and patted the top of her head. "Look, Aunt is really old. Did you just say that the Emperor sent someone? Do you want to go far?" The Emperor ... Is going with you too? "

The little four shook his head and said, "The emperor will not go, that is, the little four will go alone, ah, not alone. The emperor also sent the palace guard and the royal forest army to me, saying that he wanted to protect me.

Su Jin felt even stranger, and wondered: "The emperor doesn't go, you go alone? Is the emperor asking you to do something big?"

The rules in the palace, eunuchs can not leave the palace alone, of course, unless it is the will of the emperor.

Especially like Primary Four, Mo Chuan also sent a royal forest guard and bodyguard, which can be said to be a big fan, which is really unconvincing.

Xiao Si's smug and mysterious smile: "Aunt, guess what the emperor sent me to do?"

Su Jingang wanted to say: Where can I guess!

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