Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"So I figured it out, I do n’t blame you anymore, but I know that my uncle wo n’t let you go, I will wait here every day, I hope to see you one day. Has my uncle bullied you, Did he let you leave? Great, Qianqian, come with me, I will treat you very well ... "

Tuobazheng chattered, but the thousand-faced son only wanted to take a knife and cut his tongue with a knife, turning him into a dumb.

"You let me go." He tried harder, but Tuobazheng gripped him tighter, pulling him towards his mansion.

"Thousands of thousands, I have a lot of words to say to you, and I can't finish it for three days and three nights. It's great. I finally saw you. It's great." Tuobazheng was obviously overjoyed, and even his speech changed You have to be upside down.

Two people were pulling on the street, which had attracted passersby to look sideways.

Tuobazheng is the second prince, this face is a sign, and the people in Beijing don't know him.

They saw the second prince and a girl dressed in women's clothes pulling and lingering, saying intimate words, they all felt strange, and they watched it, and from time to time Tuobazheng coaxed and cheered.

Tuobazheng did not have any prince's shelf. He was not as tall as other royal families. Coupled with his bravery and warfare, he won a lot of victories for South Vietnam. Therefore, the public has a good reputation.

"The second prince, did you come to terms?"

"Is this girl your favorite? It looks really good."

"Girl, the second prince has great martial arts and good health. You won't lose money if you follow him."

"Yeah, it's rare that the second prince likes you, so go with the second prince!"

The viewers of melons who don't know the truth have been quacking.

Thousand-faced son's face was green.

Tuobazheng smiled: "Thousands of thousands, you guys all praise me, what are you doing, walking around, if we have anything to say, let's go home and say, don't let people make jokes here."

"Tuo Ba Zheng, do you still want to have a face?" Thousand-faced Master gritted his teeth and scolded.

"I am shameless, I only want you." Tuobazheng answered without thinking.


Thousand-faced son was almost disgusted by nausea.

"Are you driven out by my uncle? Are you homeless? Thousands, I know you are not willing to be a killer. Since I know you, I have never seen you kill a person. You do n’t Willing to return to your killer organization, just go to me, as long as you follow me, I will protect you, and will not let anyone hurt your hair. "

Tuoba Zheng's expression is very serious, every word is sincere.

Although his words sound so ridiculous and ridiculous, it makes the thousand-faced son disgusted.

But I do not know why, deep in his heart, there was a faint touch of warmth.

He had no father and no mother, grew up in a beggar heap since childhood, and was later adopted by the Lord Zixiao Pavilion.

The begging experience from a young age tells him that no matter what he wants, he must desperately **** it away. If he can't grab food from others, then he can only starve to death.

No one had ever protected him and said such heart-warming words to him.

Not even his righteous father, Lord Zixiao.

After arriving at the Zixiao Pavilion, although he was the son of the patriarch, he received the same training as the killers. Weak meat and strong food, you live and die. If it were not for him that he had a childhood experience, he would not stand out from the crowd .

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