Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Su Jin saw Mo Chuan only said a word, then raised her eyes and looked at the sky in the south, her eyes bright and her lips smiling.

The emperor is thinking about her again!

And it's a sign of acacia!

She whispered in her heart, really wanted to know a little more about the queen's mother, but she knew that it would be very difficult for the emperor to tell herself such a sentence.

Su Jin sighed softly.

This sigh immediately attracted Mo Chuan's attention back.

He looked back and looked at Su Jin.

"Aunt Su Jin, but what happened?"

Su Jin glanced left and right. Although she knew that the nearby eunuchs were all sent off by herself, she looked and looked in the direction of Empress Zhou.

"No one is nearby." Mo Chuan said.

Not only his skills have been completed, but also better than in the past. There are falling leaves and flying flowers within a radius of 20 meters, and he can hear them clearly.

Su Jin's expression was still uneasy: "Emperor, do you know the news that the North Qi sent messengers again?"

"Huh." Mo Chuan nodded. "You know, my mother didn't call me because of this?"

After a pause, he said: "Is there anything else?"

Su Jin swallowed, and looked at Mo Chuan with a little surprise: "Can you still be so calm, Emperor?"

"The messengers of North Qi will come sooner or later, I have expected it, but I am worried that my mother will be disappointed."

Mo Chuan said indifferently.

Arranging that special gift, Su Jin was also an insider. No wonder she was so uneasy when she heard that the Beiqi messenger was coming.

Mo Chuan said: "Aunt does not have to worry about this matter. She knows nothing about her mother. If her mother is angry, it will be my responsibility."

He thought he had guessed Su Jin's mind, but no one knew that Su Jin shook his head.

"Emperor, do you think the slave-servant is worried about the empress dowager knowing this? No. The slave-servant also has a share in this matter. If it is revealed, the slave-servant will never deny it. How the mother-in-law will punish the slave-servant. Complaint. "

Mo Chuan brushed a touch of emotion and whispered: "Aunt Su Jin, in the whole palace, only you remember her. When she was in the palace, you were the best for her. Always mention her and take care of her. ... "

He remembered that before he and Shen Ning got married, he hid his mother, but he didn't hide Su Jin's eyes.

However, Su Jinming knew the truth, and kept hiding for them before Zhou Tai, so that the big marriage could proceed smoothly.

And Su Jin was willing to violate the rules of the palace and moved her hands and feet in the gift to the third princess of Beiqi. Her purpose in doing this was all to maintain Shen Ning.

This made Mo Chuan moved and grateful.

Su Jin shook her head slightly and sighed: "Unfortunately, the Queen Mother always has a prejudice against the Queen Mother, and the slave-servant has no way to say anything in front of the Queen Mother. As long as the Queen Mother's name is mentioned, the Queen Mother will be furious. I have been in a bad mood for several days, so when the empress sees the empress dowager, it is best not to mention the empress dowager. "

Mo Chuan nodded: "I know, I would like to thank my aunt for mentioning."

Su Jin sighed again: "I can't say anything about it, it's just a bit of worry for the slave-servant. The queen's mother is smart and kind. A good girl like this is rare. The emperor is really blessed. The queen mother is actually not invisible. Nice lady ... "

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