Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

At this time, no one remembers what Shen Ning did for Xi Chu.

No one remembers that in the face of the provocation of the Eastern Prince Qin, she stood up and saved Xi Chu for a year of tribute, allowing the people to live a year of prosperity.

It was also when the Nanyue Army was under pressure and the Xichu Army was retreating. Shen Ning faced the 100,000 army of Nanyue alone, and broke the 100,000 claws of Nanyue with 3,000. Taiping.

No one thought that Shen Ning's father, General Shen Fang, had been guarding the border for decades, and did not allow the Eastern Qin Kingdom to cross the border!

If it was not the father and daughter of the Shen family who did so much, I am afraid that the current Western Chu Kyoto has also fallen into the hands of the people of East Qin or Nanyue, where will it be as peaceful as now!

But all of this was forgotten.

People only saw the glory and benefits in front of them, and only thought of welcoming the three princesses of the Northern Qi Kingdom.

They are all unconscionable!

Su Jin looked at the hope inside and outside the city. The crowd of people, they all had the same expression as Xiao Qinzi, and they were full of hope and expectation for the upcoming Prince and Princess of Beiqi.

She became more and more nervous, and could not help but glared at Xiao Qinzi.

"Aunt Su Jin, I ... am I saying something wrong?" Xiao Qinzi was stared inexplicably, scratching his head nervously.

He wondered what he said just now, as if he was right.

"Do you remember our queen empress?" Su Jin sneered.

"Queen empress?" Xiao Qinzi patted his head, suddenly realized: "Ah, of course I remember, Aunt Su Jin didn't mention it, I almost forgot."

"Forget it? Do you even forget all the things the Queen Mother did for us Xichu?" Su Jin said in anger.

Xiao Qinzi said with a smile: "That nature has not been forgotten, yes, aunt, I heard a secret."

"What's the secret?" Su Jin was not upset and didn't want to ignore him.

Xiao Qinzi mysteriously leaned in front of Su Jin: "Aunt, everyone is discussing this matter secretly, but no one dares to say that this is a rare time to be with aunt, I believe that aunt must know Inside. "

Su Jin glanced at him and wondered: "What the **** is going on?"

Xiao Qinzi glanced around, and saw that the guarding sergeant had at least fifty steps away from them, and could not hear their conversation anyway.

But he kept his voice extremely low and asked in a voice that only Su Jin could hear: "Auntie, they are all saying that the Queen Mother is not in the palace because the Queen Mother doesn't like her and drove her out of the palace. Go, is this news true? "

The news of Shen Ning ’s leaving the palace has not yet been returned. Although it was pushed down by the Empress Zhou, there is no impenetrable wall in the palace. The fact that Guanju Palace has no throne has spread throughout the entire palace and outside, but has not yet spread to the entire capital That's it.

Even the civil and military officials also heard about it. Everyone did not express what they wanted, and kept a trace of their face to the royal family.

The guards in the palace like Xiao Qinzi even talked about it without any flaws, but they had no chance to prove it. Now that they are alone with Su Jin, Xiao Qinzi wants to find out whether this matter is true or false.

This kind of rumor has been heard and I do n’t know how many times. Every time she heard it, she frowned and shouted at each other.

This time she will be no exception.

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