Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

That's right!

This is the unique taste and unique fragrance of Yuxiangfang. This crab powder is slightly sweet, and it can never be faked by others.

He sullen his face and took another chopstick with braised hoof. After eating, his face was even more ugly.

The taste of this braised hoof bladder is also very authentic. It can be eaten with one pot of 20-year-old marinade, and anything else can be fake, but this old marinade can never be fake.

Chu Shaoyang originally liked to eat this braised and braised hoof, but now he eats it in his mouth, but he can't tell the taste.

As for the chicken with sesame oil, as long as you smell the spicy and spicy smell, you know that it is also genuine.

"Is the Master Pavilion still satisfied?" The thousand-faced son hung his head, his gesture and tone were very respectful.

As for whether he is respectful in his heart, others will not know.

Chu Shaoyang stared at him coldly and said, "You can't see that your ability is not small."

"The younger patriarch misunderstood."

The thousand-faced son bowed back.

"It's just that you just bought these things?" Chu Shaoyang sneered, "Can't you see that you are a fool?"

A thousand-faced son in white, Sheng Xue, his brows are picturesque, his clothes are spotless, and his hair is not messy. If he rushed thousands of miles in one day, it wouldn't look like that.

Hearing the words, the thousand-faced son raised his head and looked directly at Chu Shaoyang.

"These were not bought by the disciples." He said straightforwardly.

All the disciples looked at him blankly.

Not bought back, where did it come from?

"How dare you deceive this king!" Chu Shaoyang gritted his teeth and said in a word.

"The disciples did not dare to deceive the young master, the young master's request, all the disciples did. This is indeed the crab powder lion head of Yuxiangfang, the braised hoofed bladder of Yihuazhai, and the sesame oil chicken of Shuxiangyuan. The same is not authentic. "The son of Qianmian said neither humble nor humble.

"Say! How did you do it!" Chu Shaoyang said coldly.

He admits that Thousand Faced Son is right, these three things can't be fake.

But he couldn't think of how to break his head. How did the thousand-faced son do it? He rushed to three places so far apart in a day. If he changed, he would never be able to do it.

"I can't see, you still have such a great ability." He snorted again.

"The disciples have many other skills. Some skills that the young patriarch could not have imagined, it would definitely be useful for the young patriarch to retain disciples."

"Just tell me, how did you do this, what method did you use!" Chu Shaoyang grinded his teeth.

"The disciple only needs to handle the things that the young pavilion confessed to. As for what method is not important, as long as the young pavilion master says something, the disciple will definitely host the young pavilion."

If you have listened to this substitution, you will definitely feel very happy.

But Chu Shaoyang was not happy.

"Say!" He said only one word.

Qianmianzi said lightly: "Because the patriarch also likes these three kinds of food, I went to Yuxiangfang, Yihuazhai and Shuxiangyuan five years ago. Not only did I buy back the patriarch who he wanted. Things, even the master chefs of these three companies, by the way, invited them back together, including Yihuazhai's pot that had been used for 20 years, and now the braised hoof bladder of Yihuazhai is no longer the taste of five years ago, absolutely It ’s not authentic, and what you eat is the authentic taste of the young master. ”

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