Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

However, Su Jin had a trace of doubt in her mind. Since seeing Shen Ning for the first time, she had such a doubt in her heart, and this doubt became bigger and bigger.

She always felt the same where she had seen her.

"Aunt Su Jin, don't be too polite." Shen Ning helped her up, but Su Jin's eyes looked straight at her.

She looked at her calmly.

For a while, Su Jin coughed and looked away embarrassedly. She could see clearly. The girl in front of her did not know her before. Her eyebrows, nose, and lips were all strange, but her eyes were crystal clear. , Especially like that familiar person.

So every time she sees her, Su Jin has a feeling of being an old friend.

She suddenly thought that if the queen mother saw such a pair of eyes, she might be irritated again?

If so, do n’t let the empress dowager see the girl Shen.

However, it was girl Shen who saved the empress dowager. Su Jin couldn't say anything to prevent her from seeing the empress dowager.

She couldn't tell, and Shen Ning said it first.

"Since the empress dowager is awake, there is no major problem. As long as you take good care of it, your body will recover slowly. I have prepared a pill. After that, you will let the empress dowager take one pill every day. "

Su Jin was relieved when she heard it, but she still asked a little nervously: "Don't you go in and see the queen mother?"

"No, you tell the emperor that I have left beforehand."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Back at Guanju Palace, she called Xiaoru, took a token from Mo Chuan, and easily left the palace and returned to Shenfu.

Although Xiaoru didn't know what happened, she was clever and didn't ask much.

As soon as I walked into the door of the Shen family, I heard a crisp child sound, and then a small figure ran out of the door and hugged Xiaoru's leg.

"Auntie, where have you been? Thinking of Yao'er!"

It was a six- to seven-year-old boy who was born with a beautiful face. Although he was still young, he could still see his handsome appearance.

Shen Ning looked at him in surprise.

Xiaoru hugged the boy happily: "Aunt Ru also thinks of Yao'er. Have you listened to the master's words and studied hard these days? Am I lazy at home?"

The boy shook his head: "Yaoer was not lazy, the master praised me for his hard work, that is, Yaoer missed her aunt, they said you went out, but why did you go so long?"

He blinked his eyes wide as if to cry.

Xiao Ru busy comforted him and wiped his tears.

Seeing this scene, Shen Ning had already guessed who the boy was.

"Miss, he ... his name is Chu Yao, the name that the emperor personally gave him." Xiao Ru held Xiao Chu Yao to Shen Ning, and then said to Xiao Chu Yao: "Call Auntie Ning quickly.

Xiao Chuyao looked at Shen Ning with Shui Lingling's eyes wide open. Although she didn't know her, she obediently shouted, "Aunt Ning."

The crunchy children's voice is very nice.

Shen Ning looked at his black and white eyes and the handsome face that was almost the same as Chu Shaoyang's copy. Somehow, Shen Biyun thought of it, and his heart was sour.

"Don't call me aunt, call me aunt, I'm your dear aunt." She held Xiao Chuyao in her arms and sighed.

"Aunt Ning!" Xiao Chuyao was not afraid of life at all, and smiled brightly at her.

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