Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

As long as he became the emperor of the Northern Qi Kingdom, he could order the withdrawal of troops and dissolve the alliance with South Vietnam.

She knows that he disdains everything about the throne, and because he likes a free and easy personality, he is not a rare prince, nor does he want to be an emperor.

But he was willing to do what he did not want to do for her.

Becoming a prince of a country, since then he has a shackle on his shoulder that can no longer be shaken.

However, as long as she can be with him, the shackles will also become a sweet shackles, making him as happy as a sweet potato.

With this intention, he didn't expect her to understand, and never thought she would understand.

But she knew everything, she knew everything!

It was because she understood what he was doing for her that she agreed to marry him, not really for the man.

How can this not make Qi Yanyu ecstatic!

"Brow girl, you can rest assured that my Qi Yanyu is different from other men. Our northern Qiguo man said nothing. I swear that as long as you marry me, you will be the only one in this life, and there will never be a second woman! I ca n’t be gentle and considerate, but I ’ll do everything I can to treat you. ”

Shen Ning just smiled and said nothing.

Qi Yanyu said again: "Don't think I'm talking about coaxing your sweet words. I'm telling the truth. I've never coaxed a woman because I disdain, even if I want to get you, I won't use coax Way. "

Shen Ning smiled, but kept his lips closed.

Qi Yanyu was anxious, staring at her and saying, "Don't you believe me?"

"It's not unbelief, but I think how the two of us talk is like doing business?" She grinned.

Qi Yanyu was stunned, and then he also laughed, and scratched his hair embarrassedly.

"I have no experience, this is the first time I propose to a woman."

"You lied, you lied."

"I swear! It's really the first time!" He put his smile away and looked very serious.

Shen Ning chuckled: "You count yourself, how many times did you ask me to marry? If you don't remember, I can count it for you."

Qi Yanyu realized this, shouting angrily: "Okay, you deliberately, you deliberately!"

He went to tickle her, she dodged with a smile, but both of them sat on the branch, and as soon as she hid, she fell off the tree.

But while she was still in midair, she was caught by Qi Yanyu's arm.

He held her lightly and fell to the ground, but did not let go of his hand, but held her like a happy child, circling in a frenzy, turning her head dizzy.

Only his laughter echoed in the valley.

"Okay, Qi Yanyu, if you let me go, I will vomit if you turn it down."

Qi Yanyu stopped, his eyes shining brighter than the stars in the sky, but he was still reluctant to let go of her.

"Brow girl." He called.


"Brow girl." He called again.

She agreed.

"Brow girl!"

Shen Ning couldn't help but wonder: "What are you doing?"

He smiled: "It's okay, I just want to call you to see if I'm dreaming."

She couldn't help but roll his eyes: "It's almost dawn, let's go back, I'm afraid Xiaoru will worry about them."

Qi Yanyu was full of joy: "Okay, let us know when we go back, do you agree?"

"Agree." Shen Ning thought for a while.

The two returned to the tent. If Xiao Ran had woke up and found that Shen Ning was gone, she was anxious to find her everywhere. When she saw her coming back, she held her hand tightly.

Before waiting for her to speak, Qi Yanyu looked at her very seriously and said in a very harsh tone:

"Xiao Ru, listen!"

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