Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning suddenly felt sore in her heart and almost fell into tears.

Bo Moyan didn't go downstairs. He looked at the major behind him. The young major nodded, strode downstairs and walked towards Shen Ning.

He stopped in front of Shen Ning and said very politely: "Miss Shen, the old chief is sick. Bo Shao would like to invite you to stay and participate in the consultation. I don't know if you are willing?"

He asked very politely, but the people who heard him were taken aback.

Shen Ning involuntarily looked up at the thin ink words on the stairs.

She only saw a pair of plain black eyes without the intense passion she knew.

He looked at her like a stranger.

Her heart hurt again.

Is he really not Mochuan? Or was there no shadow of her in his memory?

Why did he have a face exactly like Mo Chuan?

The members of the expert group were all surprised with wide eyes.

Is this little girl really a doctor? Bo Shao actually asked her to see the old chief for medical treatment. Did they hear it wrong?

"Miss Shen?"

Seeing Shen Ning said slowly, the young major couldn't help but asked again.

Shen Ning recovered, she took a breath and nodded:

"it is good."

"Thank you Miss Shen." The young major saw her agreement and walked up the stairs.

When Shen Ning raised his head again, the thin Mo Yan on the stairs was gone.

She was a little distracted, and her teeth bit her lips until Wu Sishu's voice rang in her ears:

"Come here, Xiao Shen, let's sit down and I will tell you about the old man's condition."

Shen Ning sat down on the sofa.

The experts looked at her sideways, and they disagreed.

Is Bo Shao crazy, actually invited such a yellow-haired girl to treat the old man, her hair is not even, she can cure a fart!

But no one said it.

When they glanced at Shen Ningqing's delicate face, a thought flashed in their hearts.

Bo Shao feared that she was in love with this girl's face!

They continued to discuss the condition and no one talked to Shen Ning.

Seeing this, Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun did not leave either of them.

Why can a dead girl stay, but you have to chase them away, if they leave, doesn't it mean giving the dead girl a chance in vain?

The mother and daughter ignored Wu Ma and found a corner to sit down.

Wu Ma didn't expect there to be such a cheeky person. After disdained in her heart, she went to report to Mrs. Bo.

Shen Ning waited for Wu Sishu to ask, "Wu, what kind of disease is the old man suffering from?"

Wu Sishu sighed: "It's an old disease. The root cause left over forty years ago on the battlefield. I will fall ill at this time of the year, but this year is particularly serious. I can't get out of bed and walk. We just worked out a treatment plan, But the old man was reluctant to accept it, and he was so angry that he bombarded us all. "

At this point, he smiled bitterly.

It was said that it was a research plan, but nobody in the expert group had consulted him at all, and he could not intervene even if he wanted to interject.

Shen Ning asked again: "Can you tell me more about the situation of the old man? What are the treatment options of the experts?"

Wu Sishu said: "The old man has shrapnel left in his right leg from the previous year's injury. It has not been taken out for so many years. Now it has severely compressed the nerve tissue. That part of the nerve tissue has begun to necrosis. The situation is very serious. The expert group's recommendation Yes……"

He paused and said two words reluctantly: "... amputation."

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