Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

But it is because the old man likes you and gives you a backing. There is no one in the eyes, so dare to look down on Western medicine like this!

This is to tell everyone that Western medicine is not as good as Chinese medicine?

Chinese medicine is a fart!

Western medicine doctors really look down on traditional Chinese medicine.

It takes a week for Chinese medicine to treat a cold and a cold, where is it comparable to the effect of Western medicine!

Their tolerance is also limited, and Shen Ning's words clearly pierced their painful feet.

The team leader of the expert group was flushed and stared at Shen Ning, "Well, then you show your hand, let us Western medicine see how amazing your Chinese medicine is!"

This remark is that even Wu Sishu was also blamed together.

Wu Sishu rolled his eyes and didn't care. He had long been discomfited by seeing these cocky western medicine experts.

At this time, he did not help Shen Ning, but when did he wait?

He took a step forward and patted Shen Ning's shoulders, shouting, "Shen Shen, don't be polite, and show them with your hand. If you cure the leg of the old man, you can still take an apprentice!"

After listening to this, the expert team leader's face flushed and gave Wu Sishu a hard look.

Wu Sishu chuckled.

Master Bo applauded and praised, "Okay, well said!"

He said again: "Then tell me, how can I cure this leg?"

Shen Ning hurriedly nodded at an inch of the knee joint of the old man ’s right leg and said, "You have a shrapnel in this position that has not been removed. Over the years, it has been suppressed by drugs and there is no seizure, but now the role of drugs It ’s getting smaller and smaller, so your legs are getting more and more painful, are n’t they? ”

Mr. Bo's expression on his face remained the same, but he was surprised.

Because Shen Ning is not bad!

He has been relying on the medicine given to him by Kong Shenyi for so many years, but now that medicine is no longer working.

The experts were surprised, but they quickly snorted.

I thought how amazing this girl was. She clearly read the inspection report and listened to Wu Sishu and her detailed description of the old man's condition before she could judge it so accurately.

Bluff play!

Wu Sishu was really surprised.

He just mentioned a few words about Mr. Bo's condition. He didn't mention the use of drugs to suppress it, nor did he say the exact location of the shrapnel.

Shen Ning has not seen the x-ray film.

But the position of her finger is exactly the same as the position of the shrapnel!

This is also amazing!

Wu Sishu is also a Chinese medicine doctor, and touching the veins is his strong point, but he can't find out the exact position of the shrapnel just by touching the veins.

This girl's medical skills are really above her. There are some successors of Chinese medicine!

He even touched his chin happily, and a few beards on his chin almost made him feel bald.

Father Bo's heart faded away, and he had more confidence in Shen Ning's medical skills.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I have a shrapnel in my leg. It was left over forty years ago. At that time, the doctor also said that I wanted to have an operation. I refused. Your grandfather thought of a way to save me. One leg. I did n’t expect you to take over after his death. Good boy, if you do n’t need an amputation, what method are you going to use to cure it? "

Shen Ning has a good heart: "I want to massage and acupuncture, to stimulate the acupuncture points to clear the nerve tissues suppressed by shrapnel in your body, plus Chinese medicine assisted conditioning, I believe that it won't take long for your elderly to stand up."

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