Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4156: Small needle

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Shen Ning walked over with a smile: "Have you eaten?"

"Eat three big steamed buns, a bowl of porridge, four dishes, strangely, how could I not eat so much before!"

The old man murmured that he used to have a lot of food, but it has never been as good as it is today. It seems that the whole appetite has been opened. Although he eats congee, it is very sweet.

Shen Ning smiled slightly at him: "Does the father really think that the nine-turn Wumei is a sweet preserve?"

The old man suddenly realized: "So you are a ghost made by a girl."

Although his voice was stern, the corners of his eyebrows were all indulging in Shen Ning, apparently already treating her as his own family.

Everyone around the old man knows, don't look at the old man's bad temper, but he is a well-known calf. As long as he is recognized by the old man, he will walk sideways in this capital city in the future, even if he wants to float People dare to stop.

Shen Ning saw that only the old man's guard was in the room. Both Mrs. Bo and Bo Moyan were not in the room, and felt a lot relaxed.

She took out the acupuncture pack, revealing a row of shiny, silver needles of various sizes.

"I'm going to poke my old man with these little needles again."

Grandpa Bo whispered when he saw the silver needle.

Shen Ning said with a smile: "In two more days, your elderly can walk down the ground."

The old man's eyes lighted up: "Girl, there are no outsiders here today. You can tell the truth to my grandfather, is my leg really good after two days?"

Shen Ning shook his head and said: "How is it possible, I am not a fairy."

"Dare to love you, this girl lied to them, so you are a little girl, and even my old man dare to cheat! You are so bold!"

The light in Grandpa Bo's eyes quickly dimmed, as if to be very angry, and the little guards were all trembling with fear, secretly squeezing sweat for Shen Ning.

This little girl actually fooled the old man, and she was really bold.

Shen Ningxiao smiled and said: "I just told the experts that you can get out of bed and walk within three days. I haven't promised anything else."

Father Bo stunned, staring: "What's the difference?"

"Of course it is different." Shen Ning said with a smile: "You have a shrapnel in your leg. If you don't take it out, your leg will never be as good as a normal person, although I can cure it this time. , But it will definitely attack again next time, so I will first clear your meridians to restore the nerve tissue of your leg, and then perform surgery to remove this shrapnel once and for all. "

Old Master Bo suspiciously said: "Girl, you will not collude with those people, but also want to saw off my old man's leg?"

He frowned as soon as he heard the operation.

"Senior man, do you look like a liar? I assure you that as long as you listen to me, this leg will be fully restored!" Shen Ning laughed loudly.

I don't know why, if the expert team leader said it, the old man would not believe it.

But Shen Ning said with a smile, but he was willing to believe.

"Okay, listen to you girl, who called you the future granddaughter of my old man." Mr. Bo chuckled.

His mood became very peaceful, and he was able to see with his own eyes that the future granddaughter-in-law was so clever and sensible, even if one leg was lost.

After all, he didn't believe Shen Ning 100%.

Of course, Shen Ning heard what the old man meant. She smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

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