Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Then she realized that she was ridiculous.

If he really wanted to do anything, he just did it on the carpet.

She let go of her finger, her eyes cold.

The white face was tight and tight, without a smile.

Fu Shaobei felt guilty again, but Shen Ning's expression of refusing him thousands of miles away made him feel hurt.

He is angry and jealous, is it because he cares too much about her?

Why doesn't this girl understand his heart?

He raised his hand slowly, as if to touch her face. She tilted her head, avoiding his fingers, and the small face was full of disgust, as if his hand was a viper.

The fire in Fu Shaobei's chest rose again, but he pressed hard and spoke lowly:

"Does it still hurt?"

His voice was low, with a touch of tenderness that he didn't even notice.

Shen Ning was unmoved.

Not only did her lips hurt, but she also swelled up, all thanks to him.

He coldly glanced at him: "Fu Shao, now I am ashamed to say what is the meaning of these, if you are angry, please let me go back, I want to rest."

She is really tired.

It takes a lot of mental and physical energy to apply needles to Master Bo. Every time she finishes the needles, she is tired and sweaty, and she has a feeling of collapse.

She wanted to find a place to fall asleep and fell asleep, but she did not want others to see it, so she still looked casual in front of others.

She was overstretched physically, and was held here by him forcibly, and there was a fierce fighting. She was really tired now that she didn't even have the strength to lift a little finger.

She dropped her long eyelashes and cast a shadow on her eyes.

Fu Shaobei did not speak, calming her quietly.

The redness of her little white face faded with anger, replaced by an abnormal paleness, and a faint black circle under her eyes.

Now she doesn't look like a little fierce leopard with open teeth, but a pitiful little rabbit.

Looking at it, all the anger in his heart disappeared, and there was a bit of sourness and tenderness that even he could not tell clearly. He felt that his heart would be softened.

Such a cute little girl, she was crazy just now, and did that kind of thing to her!

He gently extended his hand and stroked her swollen lips, very, very lightly.

It's like a feather flying through.

Without waiting for her to dodge, his hand had fallen from her lips to her head, rubbing her soft hair.

"it is good."

After he finished speaking, he picked her up and walked up the stairs.

Shen Ning closed her eyes and did not struggle. She was too tired to say a word.

Fu Shaobei kicked the door of a room with his foot, then strode in and placed her on the middle French bed.

The sheets are new, with the freshly washed fragrance, and the warmth of the sun, the soft feather pillows, and the smooth silk quilt.

"Good boy, go to sleep, I won't bother you."

Fu Shaobei bent over, gently kissed her eyebrow, then turned around and strode away.

Shen Ning was lying on the soft bed, and there was a trace of consciousness in consciousness.

he's gone?

Actually let her go, just left?

Wouldn't it be a way to slow down?

Until Fu Shaobei's tall figure left the room and completely walked out of her sight, her heart still did not fall.

But she was too tired, too tired, too lazy to think.

With her eyes closed, she fell asleep almost immediately.

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