Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4166: Capture packets on the spot

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Shen Ning thought of this, a goose bump on her back.

No, she will leave here immediately and escape the cave.

She jumped out of bed, and her smooth, white feet fell on the thick wool rug without a sound.

What about shoes?

She looked around and didn't find her shoes. Then she thought in a trance. Fu Shaobei pressed her against the carpet. When she struggled hard, the shoes fell off, but she didn't pay attention.

Shen Ning walked quietly to the door and opened the door. The hallway outside was quiet and there was no figure.

There was also a thick white long-haired carpet in the hallway, and she stepped barefoot on it, silently.

She stepped downstairs step by step, looked down on the stairs, there was no one in the living room, only her pair of shoes were neatly placed on the entrance shelf at the door.

Hey, what about Fu Shaobei?

Can't go away?

After going down the stairs, Shen Ning saw his bag at a glance. He picked it up in a hurry and opened it. The phone and everything were in it.

Seeing the mobile phone, her heart was settled.

Although she does not know where this is, there will be a location on the phone, even if Fu Shaobei left, she can also ask the car to leave.

She was standing on her heels, squinting like a thief towards the door, she heard Fu Shaobei's voice.

"Woke up?"

The voice came from behind her, about ten meters away from her, but made her stiff and raised her feet into the air.

Finished, escaped and caught on the spot!

Shen Ning's face couldn't help but red, but she calmed down quickly, and when she turned around, she didn't change her face and her heart didn't jump.

"I want to go back." She said blankly.

"Well, eat first, and I'll take you home after dinner."

Fu Shaobei glanced at her, turned and entered the kitchen again.

Then came the sound of cutting vegetables.

Shen Ning realized later that Fu Shaobei had just appeared in front of her as if he had become a person.

He was actually wearing a bear apron, which was very funny, and he held a kitchen knife in his hand.

Is it possible that he cooks the food himself?

A young master who does not touch the spring water with his fingers, can also cook?

Shen Ning's eyes widened incredulously, and her curiosity urged her to go to the kitchen. She probed into the door and saw that Fu Shaobei was cutting vegetables behind her back.

He was very serious about cutting vegetables, his head tilted slightly, and half of his sleeves were rolled up on his arms to reveal a wheat-colored arm. His muscles were strong and his skin was smooth and smooth.

Shen Shao, who actually looks like this, looks very attractive.

Although he didn't look back, he only left her with a tall and tall back, but Shen Ning believed that his back was far better than his face.

She clearly didn't make a sound, but Fu Shaobei looked back like she had eyes in the back.

A handsome and handsome face, dark and narrow eyes, when he saw her under the eyes, there was a warm smile on his face, which gave his warm face a little bit more warm.

"Hungry, isn't it? Waiting for a while, it will be fine soon." His voice also contained a touch of spoiling that he didn't even realize.

Shen Ning originally wanted to leave, but she didn't know why, but she nodded and agreed.

Fu Shaobei's eyes deepened with a smile, making his face look radiant.

Shen Ning suddenly felt annoyed.

She returned to the living room with a face on her face, sitting on the sofa with her ass, wondering whether she was angry with herself or Fu Shaobei.

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