Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4176: ten minutes

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The three-pointed suspicion that the old man still had disappeared.

He suddenly felt that maybe the treatment was over today and he could really get out of bed and walk.

After Shen Ning's massage is finished, take out the acupuncture pack and prepare to apply the needle.

Mr. Bo stared straight at his right leg.

Everything seemed to be the same as usual, with no change at all, but only he knew that the whole right leg was hot enough to pancake on it.

It was like he had been burned by fire, but it was just hot, and it didn't hurt. He was very comfortable.

Looking at the dull look of the old man, the experts are in a complicated mood.

It seems that the old man also knew that this massage didn't work, and he waited for three days, and finally waited for the result of the old man to amputate.

The old man must be disappointed.

They all sympathized with the old man, who asked him to believe the wrong person.

Shen Ning still ignored the people, and gave the old man a needle.

Start the needle after 20 minutes.

Then Wu Sishu had sent the decoction to the old man.

The old man picked up the medicine bowl and did not drink it like the previous two, but looked at Shen Ning:

"Girl, you said, I can get out of bed and walk after finishing this bowl of medicine, is that true?"

Shen Ning pursed her lips with a smile: "Of course, I speak well, you take this medicine, and you can get out of bed after another ten minutes of rest."

"it is good!"

As soon as the old man heard it, he picked up the medicine bowl and drank it. When he finished the medicine, he stared at his right leg, even forgetting the nine-turn ebony that he must eat every day.

Upon seeing this, Shen Ning smiled again: "Senior man, you should lie still for a while to let the medicine work, it will be ten minutes."

The old man's heart was like a monkey's paw, and he couldn't hold it for a minute, not to mention ten minutes.

A soldier who behaves regularly like him has been self-disciplined for decades. He lives on a regular schedule every day. Suddenly his legs can't move. He was trapped in bed and stayed in bed for several days, and his breath was broken.

If someone would persuade him, he would not listen, but Shen Ning said that he immediately lay quietly on the bed and closed his eyes.

Shen Ning did not speak. He disinfected the used silver needle and put it back into the acupuncture bag. His face was calm, and there was no intention of anxiety at all.

Seeing Wu Sishu was anxious for her.

After ten minutes, the old man still can't get out of bed, what should I do?

Mrs. Bo was sitting on the sofa, her eyes unsteady, and she did not know what she was calculating.

The experts couldn't sit still. They stood in two rows, looking at the old man for a while, and Shen Ning for a while.

Shen Ning collected the acupuncture bag, and glanced at the room gently, then dropped his eyes to hide the disappointment in his eyes.

She did not see Bo Moyan.

It stands to reason that today is a very important day, he should appear.

He didn't come, did he get the task?

Shen Ning does not know which unit Bo Moyan belongs to, but she knows that the military order is like a mountain. As long as the order is received, even if there is any urgent matter, he must obey the military order.

Time passes by one minute and one second.

Shen Ning doesn't think it, but Wu Sishu feels that time is passing by quickly, and he seems to have just blinked his eyes and it's ten minutes away.

The team leader looked at his watch and said, "Ten minutes."

Wu Sishu couldn't help but glared at him.

Use him to remind? When everyone has no eyes?

The old man on the bed also opened his eyes and looked at Shen Ning: "Girl, can I get out of bed?"

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