Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning was a little surprised.

Mrs. Bo will be so good?

Then she understood.

Mrs. Bo has not given up yet, still thinking of letting Shen Ruyun marry himself into the Bo family.

On the day of the meeting, she will try her best to let Shen Ruyun show her face in front of the old man, in order to win the favor of the old man. She will also create opportunities for Shen Ruyun and Bo Moyan. If Bo Moyan likes Shen Ruyun, even if Bo Bo is the favorite I am afraid that I am not willing to go against my grandson.

However, Mrs. Bo could not but look at Shen Ruyun too high, and underestimated her Shen Ning.

Originally, she did wholeheartedly want to retire, but she never imagined that the man she was engaged to since childhood was actually exactly the same as Mo Chuan.

Even if he is not Mo Chuan, Shen Ning is not going to let Shen Ruyun marry into the Bo family.

Because she didn't want this man to be pitted, she was even more distressed to Boss Bo. If Shen Ruyun entered the door of Bo's house, she had to spit out the man's breath.

There is another unspeakable reason in Shen Ning's heart.

Because she didn't want to give Mo Chuan to any woman.

He gave her all the enthusiasm in her last life, and she wanted to give him back in her life.

If Bo Moyan is really Mo Chuan, then he is hers, she is Shen Ning!

After the meal, Mr. Bo was very interested. Instead of going upstairs, he sat on the sofa in the living room. Wu Ma brought tea and dessert. Several people chatted while drinking tea.

Of course, it was mainly Mr. Bo who spoke with Shen Ning, and Mrs. Bo was listening.

As for Bo Moyan, from the beginning to the end, Shen Ning did not hear him speak.

Some people like to use words like pity to describe people who are silent. Shen Ning thinks that if this is the case, then Bo Moyan is made of gold because he didn't say half a word!

Mr. Bo asked Shen Ning about medicine and was very interested in what she said was "treating the disease".

He suddenly pointed to Mrs. Bo and asked, "Girl, you said that treating the untreated disease is the highest state in medicine, and your four methods are" wangwenwenqie ". Among them, the word Wang is ranked first, can you not use it? Take a pulse and just look at her complexion and talk about what is wrong with her? "

Mrs. Bo was startled and said: "Dad, I am not ill, my body is well."

Master Bo said: "If you are ill, you don't mean it. Xiaoning only counts it."

This remark makes people cry and laugh.

Mrs. Bo was annoyed in her heart, but she dared not speak out again.

Shen Ning also felt a little embarrassed, what did she say well?

But the old man stared at her with a pair of tigers, apparently did not want to let her go, she had to say: "Mrs. Bo, I will talk about it for a while, if you are wrong, don't be surprised."

Mrs. Bo squeezed her lower lip and said nothing, but there was a trace of contempt in her eyes.

Huh, I thought I had cured the old man by mistake, and I did n’t know how many pounds I had?

Okay, let me say, see what you can tell, if you are wrong, do n’t blame me for beating your face hard in front of the old man.

She said: "You can say whatever you see."

Shen Ning carefully observed her face.

I have to say that Mrs. Bo is very well-maintained. She usually pays attention to health, so she still looks smooth and tender, there are almost no wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, and her complexion is also very good.

After a closer look, Shen Ning said: "Ma'am, your body is very good, very healthy, at least ten years younger than your peers."

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