Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning clenched the Cangyuan Eagle tightly. She knew he was serious, and he would really change his mind.

She closed her lips and walked out without saying a word. She opened the tent and walked out, and Nam Co did not look back.

At the moment she stepped out of the tent, he said softly: "A Ning, I bet with you, you will definitely come back to find me!"

His voice was very light, so soft that he thought he had auditory hallucinations in his ears.

She was in a happy mood now, not at all pondering whether he said that, or something was wrong with her ears.

She jumped on a horse tethered to a tree, hit the horse like a fly, and ran towards the way.

The messengers of Dongqin knew who she was, and saw her leave, but did not stop because no one dared to move without the order of His Royal Highness.

It was very dark, when it was close to the child, the stars in the night sky were lonely, the light was dim, and the road was almost unclear.

But Shen Ning drove the horse fast, and all her sights were beautiful, bright, and colorful before her eyes.

That cheerful like to have her entire chest full, she can't wait to rush back to Kyoto, she wants to see Mochuan!

She can't wait for a moment!

After waiting so long and suffering so long, she finally got her wish.

She is free!

She finally got rid of the identity of Princess Dingyuan, just like throwing off the shackles, she felt relaxed, and she and Namu reached an agreement, he finally let her go ...

Shen Ning took a deep breath, even the air was free and cool, her mouth was always curled up, her smile spread all over her eyebrows.

She was alone on the road, and the horseshoe's shoe hit the road, making a clear sound, breaking the silence of the night.

When it was getting dark, she finally rushed to Shili Changting, and when she saw the little pavilion bathed in the morning light of Chaoyang, she almost burst into tears with excitement.

Back, she is finally back!

But soon, the smile on her face froze.

The horse's footsteps also slowed down.

The pavilion was empty and there was no one!

Shen Ning rubbed his eyes and looked at it again. The transparent pavilion was empty.

what happened?

Why is Mo Chuan absent?

She has made an appointment with him, and he is still here, how about him? Why is he not here?

Shen Ning's heart sank, she knew Mo Chuan did not appear, it must have happened accidentally, otherwise even if the sky collapsed, he would wait for her here!

She jumped from the horse immediately and walked towards Changting step by step. She walked into the little pavilion and she looked around.


A burst of cold wind was blowing from all directions. She couldn't help but shivering. The joy and joy had disappeared. At the same time, it was deeply worried.

"Mochuan!" She shouted loudly.

Although she knew no one would promise her, she called out, and a voice in her heart told her that he must have happened, something happened!


She heard a familiar low voice behind her.

Hallucinations, she must have hallucinations.

It cannot be Mochuan!

She had just seen it, there was no one in the pavilion, how could Mo Chuan appear behind her?

But tears burst into her eyes.


The familiar voice rang again.

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