Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The bright red wedding dress, like thick blood, stung her eyes and her heart.

Let her never forget.

She knew that she would never see her again.

After listening to Su Jin's words, Queen Zhou's dizzy mind seemed to be awake. She stared at Su Jin and muttered: "Yeah, it can't be her. She's married to Dong Qin. She is bound to win, because she would rather give up our one year old tribute to Xi Chu, how could he let her go? Not her, not her! "

She had no energy all over her body, as if she had been pumped away, she only managed to stand upright by relying on Su Jin.

At this moment she suddenly felt that her strength was back, her eyes were bright, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Su Jin, you are right. The Ai family always thinks too much about the suspicion. It may be because the last day that the emperor is married, the Ai family is too happy, so it suffers from losses and always thinks about things that are not good."

Su Jin feels that the empress dowager Zhou's cold palms have become warm again, and his heart is loose, and he smiled and replied: "The empress dowager is sincerely devoted to your son. You do not know how much care you have for the emperor's marriage. Certainly, you should think of happy things, no matter who the girl is, she is the empress dowager, you personally choose it, character and ethics are the best choices, we still hurry to find a way to handle the emperor ’s marriage Etiquette. "

She awakened her dream, and Empress Zhou nodded and said yes.

"It's not bad, Ai's family really thinks that girl's character is outstanding, and that girl of the Shen's family ...... It's the same, so Ai's family feels that they are somewhat similar, Su Jin, are you sure they are not the same person?" She still has some worried.

"The slave-maid is certain that she will definitely not be the same person. Girl Shen is now thousands of miles away, and she will not be the future queen empress you selected." Su Jin laughed.

Empress Zhou's heart finally fell back into her stomach, she smiled and said: "That must be your disadvantage, the girl's name has been missed, and the family will punish you."

"The slave maid leaves the empress dowager to punish her." Su Jin bowed hurriedly.

"The emperor's wedding, the etiquette can't be sloppy, this asks for the name, Nacai, Naji, Nazheng, please date and welcome the relatives six rites, Ai Jia will give you the" question for name "gift to do, you can Do it well for the Aijia family, and do n’t make any mistakes. Do you understand? "

"The slave-servant obeyed the purpose." Su Jin replied obediently.

Empress Zhou thought for a while, and said: "You immediately go to the palace to see the servant of the Xuanli Ministry. The emperor's marriage is not a trivial matter. The mourning family must tell him personally that the marriage should be solemn and solemn, although hasty and absolute The royal decentness is indispensable. "

"Yes, the queen mother."

"Very well, you are going to do what you should do. Ai's family will go back to the palace to help the emperor's marriage plan and plan well.

Empress Zhou smiled with a smile on her face, let go of Su Jin's hand, and walked out of the pavilion without even supporting her crutches. Obviously, she was very happy.

Su Jin heard her mutter to herself: "Three days? The emperor will be married in three days. Oops, only three days, how can this be?"

She watched Queen Mother Zhou's back drifting away, hidden in the shadow of the flowers and trees, a sudden sourness rose in her heart, and two lines of tears could not help flowing down.

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