Ping County, Gou'er Village.

Inside a dilapidated farmhouse.

"Lord Lu!"

Li Wei, whose upper body was covered with bandages, got up from the bed excitedly when he saw the figure suddenly appearing at the door.

Yes, he survived again.

He was so hungry that he did not die on the road when he was enlisted for labor. He was dug out from the soil by Yuzhou Wei when he was buried by mountain torrents. The hero rescued him.

In just a few days, he experienced life and death three times.

Moreover, he was born in poverty, his parents died, he has gone through hardships, and he has to meet noble people... It is simply a perfect template for the protagonist.

Hearing that in order to avenge his fellow villagers, Lu Chen personally led his army to capture the Prince Yu's mansion and killed the brutal King Yu with his own hands. Li Wei was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

I originally thought that all the villagers died in the hands of Yu Wangwei, and they died for nothing. After all, throughout the ages, if the top royal families really want to kill people without spiritual roots, most of the time they just need to find a reason for it, and few people will stand up for the people. Fairness, not to mention killing the royal family.

But now... this Lord Qingtian who only exists in fantasy, who is sincerely making decisions for the people and wholeheartedly for the people, has actually appeared!

And he was the savior who once saved his life!

Before Lu Chen could stop him, Li Wei knelt down in front of Lu Chen, and kowtowed vigorously on the ground.

"Thank you, my lord, for making decisions for me and my little people! My lord is so kind and virtuous, and my little people will never forget them. If there is an opportunity to repay my kindness in the future, even if I am ashamed, my little people will not hesitate to do it!!!"

The hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and it immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding villagers.

"Master Lu is here?"

"Quick! Go and meet Mr. Lu!"


There was a sound of messy footsteps, which made Lu Chen's original plan of just taking a look at it and leaving directly fell through.

Not long after, more than a hundred villagers from Gou'er Village quickly gathered outside Li Wei's house. When they saw Lu Chen, they bowed their heads as excitedly as Li Wei.

"Thank you, my lord, for making decisions for me and the little people!"

Lu Chen not only saved their lives, gave them life-saving food, but also avenged their relatives who were killed.

Such a great grace is like recreating.

In their view, no matter how much they kowtow, Lu Chen, a young man, can afford it, and it should be.

Only a good official like Lu Chen who is dedicated to serving the people deserves their sincere respect.

Looking at the villagers kneeling down in a large area, feeling their love and respect from the bottom of their hearts, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a strange feeling gradually rising in his heart. At the same time, Dao Jing, who had been restless for some reason during this time, was even more nervous at this time. It trembled violently.

A warm current circulated continuously in the spiritual vein, and every time it passed through a cycle, the spiritual vein grew stronger.

An indescribable sense of comfort gushed out from the lower abdomen and spread throughout the body in an instant.

Cool from head to toe.

Without warning, he broke through just like that, directly breaking through from the Cyclone Realm to the Condensation Realm.


Fu Yu suddenly turned her head and looked at Lu Chen.

After a while, a gleam of joy slowly appeared in her eyes.


Lu Chen clenched his fists, took a deep breath, raised his hand, and said softly, "Get up, folks, I just did what I should do, and apart from seeking justice for the dead, I don't care about the death of the dead. As the governor of the two states, I have done nothing, neither let you live comfortably, nor did I protect the environment and the people, I am truly ashamed of receiving such a great gift from all of you."

"My lord, don't think like that!"

Hearing that Lu Chen was blaming himself, Li Wei quickly raised his head and said loudly: "My lord did not treat us as pigs and dogs, but treated us kindly and tried every means to benefit us. Throughout the ages, how many Can a big man truly benefit the common people like a big man?"

"Don't say that my lord has actually done a lot of practical things for us, giving me and the poor people hope, even if I didn't do anything, as long as I have this kind of heart, my lord is a thousand times better than a dog official like Luan Yu Ten thousand times! This worship, if an adult can't afford it, who else in this world can do it?!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen's heart suddenly felt heavy, as if something of great weight lay in his heart, he couldn't help but stop breathing.

Yes, how simple is what the people want?

As long as it doesn't hurt them.

But even such a simple request could not be satisfied by the Great Xia court.

Exorbitant taxes, hard labor, plundering by powerful gentry...

One mountain after another weighed on them, making them almost breathless.

If he didn't come to Yuzhou, what would the people here be like?


Just because those "smart people" made their own claims, or conscripted people from impoverished areas to work in dam areas in order to cover up a certain truth, it is unknown how many people will die.

Once a civil uprising occurred, the imperial court sent Yuzhou Wei and Suizhou Wei to jointly suppress it bloodily, and the number of people who died was innumerable.

Not to mention the devastating blow to both banks along the way caused by the flood burst.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's heart became heavier.

The Empress Dowager Zhao ruled Daxia for six years, directly causing the people to lose even the most basic guarantee of survival. The ZTE situation left by the late emperor was directly destroyed beyond recognition, and the foundation of Daxia's rule was seriously shaken.

It's no wonder that the Quartet Rebels are always invincible. If they don't solve the fundamental problem, it's useless to suppress it alone.

If they are all killed, then they are not afraid of hurting Tianhe, and the immortal road is completely cut off?

But even with such a simple truth, in this world dominated by monks, there are still many people who can't understand it, or are unwilling to understand it.

At this moment, Lu Chen clearly felt that this ancient world with supernatural power was more cruel than the ancient society in the world before he traveled.

While thinking about it, the other people saw that he was silent and comforted him one after another.

It's not easy to have a master Qingtian, don't let this matter wear down your fighting spirit.

Lu Chen picked up his mood, and then comforted the villagers, let them live a good life, and the court will definitely not let this happen again in the future.

Then he personally helped Li Wei back into the house.

Only then did he notice that there were two other people in the room.

A man and a woman.

The man is handsome and the woman is pretty, the former is dressed in Tsing Yi, and the latter is dressed in red.

The atmosphere of the rivers and lakes is very strong.

"You are?"

Lu Chen asked directly.

"Grassman Ye Fan."

"Minister Chai Hongyu."

"Meet the adults!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen quickly remembered that he had heard these two names from Fang Yu before.

It was the two righteous men who rescued the remaining villagers of Gou'er Village.

"Oh, it's you guys."

Lu Chen nodded towards the two of them.

"My lord, remember me waiting?"

The two were a little flattered.

"Well, Fang Yu told me about it."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and then said to the two, "Have you received the reward yet?"

Seeing Lu Chen's polite and polite expression, not holding himself back at all because of his status, looking down on the appearance of their children in the world, and not showing strange eyes because of her beauty, Chai Hongyu immediately felt good, and said with emotion: "As expected of the people who really care about the people." The real man is really different from those dog officials.

In the next second, she shook her head, and said softly: "Master Fang left in a hurry, and there were some rewards. I just don't like Yu Wangwei's cruelty to the people. I have no other intentions, and I don't intend to accept the reward."

Hearing this, Lu Chen cupped his hands towards the two of them: "The two strong men are Gao Yi."

Chai Hongyu: "."

She subconsciously lowered her head and looked at her figure.

Well, the upper part is quite strong, but... it's not a strong man anyway, right?

Lu Chen said again: "Those two are here for."

Ye Fan took out a bottle of ointment from his arms, "As the saying goes, saving people to the end, I saw that Brother Li was seriously injured, so I came here to take medicine to heal his injuries, so as not to hurt the bones and leave future troubles."

Li Wei on the side also spoke out to prove it at the right time.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Lu Chen nodded slightly.

"The two strong men have a heart."

After speaking, he looked at Li Wei, saw that his complexion was rosy, and his body was probably fine, so he said to Li Wei: "In this case, I can rest assured, you should take care of your wounds, I still have some official duties to deal with. , I won’t stay any longer.”

"My lord's business is important."

Li Wei got up again and wanted to see Lu Chen off.

Lu Chen waved his hands, then bowed his hands politely to Chai Hongyu and Ye Fan, and said, "Thank you for your generous actions, which saved more than two hundred villagers from Gou'er Village and saved some face for the court."

"My lord, you are welcome."

"Elimination of violence and safety of the good is what our generation of cultivators should have."

Chai Hongyu and Ye Fan returned the salute with a few words of humility.

Not long after, Lu Chen left Li Wei's farmhouse, rode on the royal horse, and galloped towards Yuzhou City under the escort of Fu Yu.

And at the same time as he galloped wildly, Chai Hongyu suddenly walked out of the room, and then quietly looked at Lu Chen's back that was fading away.

Recalling the time when the people of Caigou'er Village loved Lu Chen from the bottom of their hearts, her beautiful little face gradually showed a hint of determination.

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