Emulator: Opening Talent Super Gigolo

Chapter 4: , borrowing money does not count

Faced with such a crisis, Lin Changan's first thought was not to avoid it, but... it was money!

Each simulation requires 1000, but there are very few ways to make money now.

According to the Qindao City's Regulations on Rewards and Guarantees for Courageous Actions and Regulations on Punishment of Violent Crimes, if the wanted criminals are caught, government bonuses ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 will be awarded.

A fugitive means ten or even a hundred simulations!

This fugitive, of course, has to give it a try.

To say that Lin Changan knows what he knows best, it is the various ways to make money.

In addition to various regulations, large and small, he has thoroughly studied almost the entire criminal law, and tried to find loopholes in it.

But unfortunately, it failed.

At this time, when he recalled the laws he had seen before, Lin Changan felt that he could not miss this opportunity.

It is too difficult for me to make money in other ways.

I worked part-time for three years, and the monthly salary was only 2,000.

After deducting the basic expenses, it is not easy to have a few hundred dollars left.

After working for a few months, you can only earn simulated money once.

But if the fugitive was stopped, it would be more than ten times.

Choosing the second option, the qi and blood in the body instantly vibrated!

The surging and turbulent power made Lin Changan feel a little frightened, as if a wave of blood appeared in his body, and the blood was rushing!

"This is the vigor of more than 400 qi and blood? How terrifying is that situation!"

Only 1000 qi and blood can become a martial artist!

He was forcibly suppressed, and his clothes felt like they were going to be torn apart in an instant!

The body became hot.

After a while, Lin Changan let out a groan, and the water in the water cup in front of him boiled!

This is the terrifying high temperature caused by the natural leakage of majestic qi and blood!

Look at the system panel again.

Name: Lin Changan

Qi and blood: 455

Spirit: 277

"It seems that every time you simulate, you can increase your mental power by 1 point."

"But this blood leak is too wasteful."

I didn't take care of these.

Continue the simulation.

[The simulation starts! 】

[You agreed to the vassal contract and went to see her mother with Su Xier. 】

[On the way, she persuaded her in every possible way, but you remained unmoved. 】


[You guys will soon come to the wealthy area, Su Xier swiped the door ban card. 】

[You saw the wanted criminal disguised as a security guard at a glance. 】

[He hasn't done it yet, but you have done it! 】

[His face was full of astonishment. He was caught off guard by your blow, coughed up blood, and then with a grim expression, he took out a short dagger and stabbed you in the chest. 】

[You try to dodge, but you are still scratched. 】

[You fought fiercely together, and you died. 】

"455 qi and blood still not enough?"

Lin Changan touched his chin: "It's okay!"

[The simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards. 】

[1. The talent is calm in the face of danger (E-level talent, you are a little calmer than ordinary people.)]

[2. The state of death (Qi and blood 455)]

[3. Combat experience at the time of death (insignificant boxing)]

[Fourth, the practice experience at the time of death (no practice experience)]

[5. Some memory fragments. 】

The battle experience is obviously because of the fierce battle of life and death this time, there has been a little improvement.

That insignificant boxing technique should be his experience in this battle.

Without hesitation, Lin Changan chose the realm again.

455's self already has the power to fight in the first battle, and it should be easy to complete the counter-kill after doubling it!

The turbulent qi and blood poured in again, and this time Lin Changan obviously felt a little out of control.

According to the theory of practice, if the blood is four times higher than the spirit, there will be danger.

Now it's getting close to the limit.

The blood was churning in the body, and the pain rushed into my heart.

Such a terrifying increase in qi and blood in a short period of time is too dangerous for ordinary people.

One is that it is easy to get lost, and the other is that you cannot accurately control yourself if you are not in control.

The blood seemed to thunder in the body, rumbled and vibrated.

After a long time, his body shook!

An unprecedentedly powerful feeling came rushing in.

Qi and blood reached a full 862 points!

A sense of unreality emerges. This is the blood and energy that I have never dreamed of before.

As a result, after just a few simulations, I already had such an entry!

At this moment, I feel that my punch has at least a few thousand pounds of strength!

In the entire class, I'm afraid I'm already number one!

"Don't worry about failing the college entrance examination! With my current qi and blood, I will have no problem playing my last C-level academy."

Lin Changan felt more relaxed than ever.

I had always been frightened by forced matching before, but now I finally don't have to worry about it.

Looked at the system panel.

Balance: 52.

"There is no balance left to continue the simulation, but you can't choose qi and blood anymore, or you will lose control due to insufficient mental power."

455 Qi and blood can already fight fiercely.

862 Qi and blood have no reason to fight back.

Even if you can't, self-defense will definitely be fine.

What's more, according to the simulated information, the police will arrive soon, so you can't keep the police coming, can you?

In my mind, I recalled common sense of practice and common sense of battle.

"Three years of fighting, five years of simulation", "Learn to fight from scratch", "Three sentences, let you learn to fight!" "…

The classes taught are all basic martial arts, which are used to polish the foundation and have very little power.

But at present, this is the only martial skill that Lin Changan has come into contact with.

"At this time, if you can simulate it again and choose combat experience, it seems that you have a better grasp."

Touching my pocket, I really have no money.

While thinking about borrowing a thousand yuan from Su Xi'er.

"What are you doing?" Su Xi'er handed it to Lin Changan while she said that.

As a result, Lin Changan put it in his pocket and found that the system balance had not changed.

The balance shows that it is still 52.

"Sure enough, borrowing money doesn't count... It must be my own money."

Lin Changan was not discouraged, he had expected it.

If borrowing money is also considered, I will go naked now... Forget it, not naked.

He is also a transmigrator anyway.

Returning the money to Su Xi'er made Su Xi'er a little puzzled.

Lin Changan returned to the room and looked at the fist strength tester.

"In order to make sure nothing goes wrong, practice for a while!"

Silently closed her eyes and felt a surge of qi and blood.

Take a deep breath, and then move around!

Hit it with a punch!

A loud bang!

The fist strength detector in the room shook a few times, and then the number flashed: 492.

"No, no, my use of qi and blood is too bad!" Lin Changan shook his head.

This number is simply outrageous.

An ordinary person, it stands to reason, can at least exert a combat power similar to that of blood.

And the tyrannical warrior can burst out the power of his own blood and blood several times or even dozens of times.

This kind of combat power in front of me will only appear on students who have never experienced anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is also normal.

The sudden increase of so much qi and blood is absolutely uncontrollable for ordinary people.

Lin Changan silently recalled the punch just now, and then moved his body again, pulling his qi and blood, and threw a punch!

The fist strength detection machine flashed a number: 567!

"Looks like my comprehension is okay..."

The use of qi and blood in this punch has been improved a lot, but of course it is far from enough.

Lin Changan thought again and punched again.

Constantly bombarding the machine in front of him.

599, 604, 617, 614...

With every punch, there are new gains and insights.

According to the feedback from the boxing strength testing machine, Lin Changan constantly adjusted his blood pulling and punching.


At this moment, the wealthy district of Qindao City, the Qiancheng District of Vientiane.

Security shift.

"Don't forget to say hello when you see the owner. One of them was fired for not saying hello two days ago."

"Yeah." The thin monkey-like man nodded.

There was a glint in his eyes.

His eyes were so obscure that he glanced into the depths: "Who would have thought that the wife and daughter of the second master of the Su family would come to a small place like Qindao City..."

But that's okay, he gave himself a chance to be promoted.

In the entire Qindao City and the surrounding area, he is the only one now.

"As long as you succeed, you can enter the branch."

He started patrolling and turned around quickly.

I have the poison given by my superior in my hand, so I just need to get the next poison.

If possible, you can also take the risk of killing someone.

Mother Su is a martial artist, but Su Xier is not.

In short, a beautiful dark career is just around the corner!

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