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Under the quiet night, the white clothes are shallow, and they are in harmony with the purple clothes.

The two stood side by side, so it was so dazzling that people could not remove their gaze...

Everyone's eyes stared at the two people who fought together, and the infinite shock surged into their hearts. For a moment, they could not return to God...

At the beginning of Murong’s early eyes, there was a trace of complexity. I didn’t expect the disaster of the world to pass, so the mainland can finally recover calm...


Zi Qianjing figure flashed and fell in front of Mu Ruyue. The beautiful face evoked a lazy smile: "Are you back?"

Mu Ruyue nodded slightly, and the stunning face shrouded a faint glow under the moonlight.

"Yes, I am back, but everything will wait for me to solve these people first..."


At that moment, she had a long sword in her hand, and her eyes fell on those crazy demons, and her lips provoked a radiance.

At this level of combat, no one else can intervene.

Everyone saw only a red flame on the woman, and the overwhelming rushed to the murdered demon. Under the attack of the flame, it instantly turned into annihilation...

"This crisis is finally over."

Zi Yan sighed, and the complicated eyes fixed on the two figures of the moon.

"And after this day, the names of the month and the cousin are destined to be household names! No one knows!"

God step, how powerful is that? Their appearance will surely set off a storm in the entire continent...

But Zi Yan’s heart is more proud.

Just because one of those two people is her cousin, and one is her best friend...

This time, there are quite a few strong people who come here. However, the faces of the people at this time are all shining, and they are no longer willing to look away...

As the two broke through into the gods, the devil quickly fell down. The original polluted continent was restored to the calm and tranquility of the past after a few days of clearing.

However, the appearance of the devil has caused countless deaths and injuries on the mainland. Fortunately, the relatives around her have no casualties...

"Thank you."

Mu Ruyue turned to look at Murong Qingchu, and the beautiful face evoked a gentle arc. The sincere eyes fell on the handsome face of the man, and the voice softly rang under the night sky.

Murong stunned at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and suddenly he laughed.

The smile of a man is no longer like the coldness of the past, and the warmth is like bathing in the spring breeze...

"This is what I owe you, you don't have to thank me."

Mu Ruyue did not say anything more. Her eyes turned to the flame phoenix on the side, and her eyes passed through a trace of dignity.

"Fire, you and me come."

The flame phoenix body shocked and slightly lowered his head: "Yes, master."

She knows that after she recognizes Dan’s family, the owner will definitely ask the news of this ancient Dan family...

In the quiet room, the breeze blew, blowing the woman's green silk.

She did not speak, just looking at the flame phoenix quietly, quiet to let the flame phoenix have a feeling of uneasiness...

"the host."

After all, she still didn't hold back in advance: "What do you want to ask, I will tell you as much..."

"I want to know everything!"

The flame phoenix raised his head, his eyes staring at the beautiful face of the woman, sinking into the scorpion, and said: "Master, I am not a native of this continent, I am from the realm of God!"

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