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At that moment, she forced a drop of blood from her fingertips and fell into the book of Dan. With a bang, a strong golden light emerged in the book, spreading over the entire sky...

Under the golden light, Mu Ruyue only felt a tingling in her mind, and then countless knowledge flashed through her mind like a quick shot, filling her whole brain...

The feeling of pain made Mu Ruyue pale, and the cold sweat slowly squatted from the face, but she bit her lip tightly, and she endured this pain...

At the same time, a phoenix sounded the world, and the whole sky shook a few times.

Mu Ruyue snorted, his eyes shining on the **** red figure through the golden light, his eyes tightened...

Under her gaze, the huge figure of the flame phoenix gradually shrinks and turns into a vague shadow.

When the golden light dissipated, the beautiful face of the woman's enchanting beauty was reflected in her eyes...

It is a woman wearing a red gauze and looks very amazing. The skin of the white scorpion can be broken, and the cinnabar red is bright and bright, and the bright face is set aside.

Under the night, the red yarn is shallow, and the looming display reveals the perfect petite body, which attracts all the men's nosebleeds and can no longer look away...

"Fire phoenix?" Mu Ruyue blinked slightly, tentatively asked.

Huo Feng excitedly laughed: "Master, you succeeded in the contract, so that I have restored some of the strength now, if you go to the gods, it is more guaranteed."

However, what makes Huo Feng always do not understand is why Mu Ruyue can make a contract book? That is something that only the person associated with the master can contract...


Mu Ruyue smiled faintly, and his eyes were sincere.

"Master, are you going to the mainland of God?" Fire Phoenix laughed. "If you go to the mainland of God, you can go to the old guy at the seminary. He used to have a relationship with the owner, but the master has disappeared. For years, I don’t know if the old guy still exists."

The fire phoenix is ​​somewhat sentimental. In the blink of an eye, it has been so many years. The mainland of God must have been a human being...

"Well, after I leave with my family, I will go to the mainland of God!"

Mu Ruyue gently hangs down the scorpion, and the bottom of his eyes shines.

"However, what is this ancient Dan family?"

The phoenix smashed a bit and squinted at the lips: "The ancient Dan family is my enemy. This ancient Dan family is one of the five great families in ancient times. Because of the battle of the gods and devils, the richness is very rich, not to mention, Tianxia Dan Pharmacist, Weiyuan Gudan family is! Yes, in the mainland of God, Dan family has a very powerful summoning power."

"Master, the Danyu sent by Dan family here is only the weakest existence of the ancient Dan family. However, within the Dan family, there are too many strong people. Among the five ancient families, Dan is the most powerful existence... ..."

"However, in order to make meritorious deeds, Danyu should not pass back the news of the master. As long as the book is not exposed, there will be no danger for the time being..."

The phoenix phoenix smashed the scorpion, and the red scorpion looked closely at Mu Ruyue.

Once, she watched him hurt, there is no way, now, in any case, protect his master...

"A distant Dan family?" Mu Ruyue stroked his chin, flashed a cold mang in the light, and then sneered. "I understand, after I came back, I left this place..."

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