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Lin Rusuo gratefully looked forward to Mu Ruyue, and Jun Xiu’s face raised a smile: "Mu girl, thank you, if it were you, I am afraid there must be one in the fallen person..."


Topaz snorted, the smile on the lips was elegant and noble, and the arrogant color between the eyebrows appeared.

"This is just a coincidence. Or, she is afraid of rushing to death before she is afraid of death. Lin Rusuo, and only you will believe that she sees the danger of the primary Lingshi."

The face of the fire phoenix changed, and the dawn was gloomy and there were two clusters of flames in the red dragonfly.

Just when she wanted to teach Topaz, there was a light voice from the woman: "I really can't tell the crisis of the primary Lingshi, but I know the basic common sense."

Mu Ruyue squinted his eyes and covered his eyes with a slight curvature.

"A bunch of primary spirit stones are placed in the middle of the road, will it be normal?"

At that moment, the face of Topaz sank, this woman, actually said she did not have common sense?

"Yuer," the cloud brows a wrinkle, interrupted the topaz will be exported, the strange light across the face of Mu Ruyue, and then regained his gaze, the mouth is not cold, "Let's go... ..."

After this crisis, the number of people has been reduced by an instant. However, this does not affect everyone’s enthusiasm for the Warcraft egg...

However, everyone is cautious and never dares to have the slightest meaning.


Just as everyone was moving forward, an astonishing amnesty was carried into the hearts of all people. When they looked up, a blood-red lion came out from the front and fixedly stared at everyone.

"It's a blood lion!"

"Oh my God, I didn't expect the blood mad lion that I met here. Even though the strength of this blood lion is only the peak of God, the blood mad lion has a strong explosive power. In the realm of God, no one is his. opponent……"

Everyone sighed and took a breath.

"Blood lion?" Mu Ruyue stunned, and muttered to himself, "The place where this **** lion appears, there must be the violent fruit of refining the ultimate limit of the Dan."

The limit of the Dan, can make a person burst out of a powerful explosive force in an instant, the strength is improved not only one time.

The level after the sacred medicinal herbs is similar to that of the martial arts. For example, the level of the gods is more than the level of the medicinal herbs, the gods are the king medicinal herbs, and so on...

Now Mu Ruyue has a good book, and there is more knowledge in his mind. Therefore, now she wants to try the limit of the refining level...

"No dust, let's go."

There is a faint smile in the scorpion of Mu Ruyue: "If I didn't guess wrong, behind the blood lion, it is the fruit of violent!"


Huang Yu's sword blocked the attack of the blood mad lion, and a gloomy face looked at the figure of Mu Ruyue and others who left, hating to gnash his teeth.

When these people are facing the crisis, she is good, and she just walked away.

However, does she think she can be safe and sound?

This is really ridiculous!

The more the Shenshan is, the greater the danger. At that time, only a few of them, how to face the powerful World of Warcraft on the mountain?

Therefore, there is only the fate of death...

Among the trees, a beam of red light came out, giving off a dazzling luster.

Mu Ruyue opened the bushes, and for a time, the bloody, ruddy fruit in the trees appeared in her sight...

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