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Staring at the beautiful and beautiful face of Topaz, Mu Ruyue laughed, and the smile was full of indifference, and there was no wave in it.

"Sorry, I will never give you the ancient snake."

The face of Topaz is fierce, and the cold lips evoke: "It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine! If so, don't blame me."

Suddenly, everyone went to the admiration of Mu Ruyue.

The nightless dusty scorpion flashed a storm, the beautiful face became more and more gloomy, and the cold sight cast on the top of the topaz...

Even Huangyu had to admit that this man is very beautiful, and such a beautiful man is no match for Yunxiao’s brother.

Unfortunately, with his strength and identity, she has not yet qualified for her to see more...

Also can not compare with the cloud brother!

"Master, clean son, they will give me the solution."

The fire phoenix flashed in shape and stood in front of the two people. The smile on the seductive face burst into a bloodthirsty smile: "You want to kill my master, I am afraid there is no qualification! I will never let anyone hurt. To them?"

"Ha ha."

Topaz smiled twice and taunted her lips: "Then I have to see if you have the ability to stop me! Since she is not willing to hand over the Warcraft egg, then... must die!"

Just when everyone was forced to go to Muruyue, there was a cold coldness in the night.

However, without waiting for him to do anything, the ancient snake in the arms of Mu Ruyue once again exudes a strong white light...


A loud bang, the whole ground trembled, the stones squatted on the mountain, and the steps of Huangyu were shocked...

"Yu, be careful!"

Yunxiao suddenly saw Mu Ruyue and others gradually cracked a gap, and his face changed loudly.

At that moment, Huang Yu hurried back, and his eyes were deeply shocked.

"This... what is going on?"

She calmed down the inner panic, stunned and stared at the gap that gradually spread...


Mu Ruyue’s foot was light and fell to the ground, but at this moment, an arm gripped her hand tightly and pulled her into the arms.

The man’s chest is so warm that her heart is all down...

"Master, clean son!"

The fire and the phoenix are white, and they can't manage so much to jump into the ground.

Seeing her jump into the seams, Lin Rusuo jumped without any thoughts. When their figure fell into the ground, they slammed and the seams healed tightly, separating them from everyone...

"Brother, this... what happened?" Topaz slammed his inner wrestling, biting his lip and turned his head to look at the cold man beside him.

The wrinkled brows of the clouds loosened, and said faintly: "It should be the organization that Warcraft Eggs used to protect their lives."

Huang Yu stunned and picked up Liu Mei and said: "Now Warcraft eggs are still in their hands. What are we going to do next? This is the task that Master has given us. If you fail to complete this task, I am afraid that Master will be our heart. Unhappy..."

When I heard this, Yunxiao looked down at the place where everyone had disappeared. There was a ray of light in the cymbal, and the voice said coldly: "Wait! It will not be long before they will come up, and then they will take the Warcraft egg!"

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