Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1099: Registration, entrance exam (4)

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She went straight ahead, her eyes fell on the face of Lisa's grievances, and she looked faintly.

"Moon," Lisa grievously licked her lips and said, "I just took a fancy to this necklace. I wanted to buy it, but the price was too expensive. I wanted ten intermediate Lingshi, which is clearly slaughtering people!"

As soon as the voice fell, a disdainful voice suddenly came: "Even ten intermediate spiritual stones can't afford it, what are you doing here?"

Mu Ruyue’s brow wrinkled and turned his head to look at the big red dress that came in from behind the door.

In this world, some people are suitable to wear red. For example, the phoenix is ​​enchanting, but some people will be more cheesy by the red.

It’s like a woman in front of me...

"Moon, do you know her?" Elaine frowned. "Why do I feel that she is fighting for you..."

Mu Ruyue glanced at the woman's face and shook her head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it."

She did not see this woman, only because she did not return after the registration, did not look back and see more...

“Hey!” Ding Lin snorted and said with no anger. “You are a **** who will use low-level waste, and come to the seminary to make fun of it? The number of people who register each year is the most, but one cannot pass the last. The entrance exam! It also delays our time, and we have been waiting outside for so long! I know that you want to rely on luck, maybe you will pass the luck, but have you thought about other people's feelings? How precious is the time? But it is wasted by the waste you are not qualified to stand here!"

After listening for a long time, Mu Ruyue finally understood why this woman is fighting for herself.

Feelings she is suffering from innocent disasters?

"what did you say?"

Lisa’s lovely face was pulled down and she said angrily: “You dare to humiliate my idol!”


Ding Lin smiled and said: "She can be regarded as an idol by you. It seems that you are not like it! Even ten primary spiritual stones are not there. Even if you pass the exam, how can you continue to mix in the seminary? This place is everywhere. Don't open the stone!"

When she fell, she turned to look at the boss and said loudly: "I want this necklace, I have fifteen intermediate Lingshi!"

The boss was overjoyed and said in a hurry: "Please wait a moment, I will change the necklace to you."

Perhaps it was a big business, let the boss feel good, and quickly put the necklace in the hands of Ding Lin.

Ding Lin looked at the necklace in her hand and gave the stone to the boss. She looked proudly at the moon and had a mocking smile on her lips.

"Waste, what are you doing here? Don't leave this place right away! It's something that your poor people can't afford."

Lisa bit her lip and hated the eyes of Ding Lin, but she did not refute.

This time I was walking in a hurry, and I didn’t bring a lot of Lingshi on my body, so she really can’t come up with ten primary Lingshi...

"Boss, what is the price of the bracelet?"

Mu Ruyue’s gaze fell on the bracelet inside the counter, and the look was faint.

The boss bowed a bit, out of courtesy to the guests, but also answered her question: "That is a white jade bracelet, able to withstand the attack of the three kings of the king, of course, the price is three times more than the necklace, thirty An intermediate spiritual stone."

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