Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1304: Breakthrough, breakthrough (eight)

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"This time, the old man will not fail again."

Because if you continue to fail, there is no spare medicine in his hand...

Thinking of this, Wu Yu was full of tears.

Mu Ruyue stared quietly at Dan Ding in front of Wu Yu. She never looked away. Her eyes were light and shallow, but she never said a word again...

Time is divided into seconds and seconds.

At this time, Wu Yu was obeying the instructions of the moon and controlling the firepower at the most appropriate level. However, in a short time, his forehead was full of sweat...


Suddenly, the sound of the collision of the drug in the medicine tripod seems to want to break through the barrier and ran out.

However, Dan Ding in front of Wu Yu emerged a powerful firepower, and pressed that force down...

Just as everyone didn't know how long it took, a faint scent came out from the medicine trip, and it was awkward...


Wu Yu was ecstatic in his heart, and his voice did not feel trembling.

God knows that for this reborn, he studied it for a few days, and finally succeeded in refining under the guidance of a human being...

Wu Yu opened his palm and showed two medicinal herbs in his hand. However, he still handed two medicinal herbs to the hands of Mu Ruyue according to the agreement.

"Girl, this is the first time I have refining the two reborns, and then I will fulfill my promise. If I have not refining once, I will give you two remedies..."

Mu Ruo nodded, and collected two medicinal herbs, and a light smile on his lips.

"I should go too."

When she fell, she turned and walked outside.

Seeing this, Du Feifei hurriedly chased him up: "Wait a minute..."

The sun sets.

On the street, only a few pedestrians were left behind.

Du Feifei caught up with Mu Ruyue, with a curiosity in his eyes: "Mu Ruyue, what kind of person are you in the end? Why do you know so much knowledge?"

Mu Ruyue shrugged his shoulders and smiled faintly: "I just like to read books. These books are recorded, so I remembered them."

At this time, Du Feifei looked to Mu Ruyue's eyes full of worship, and the light in the eyes.

"Mu Ruyue, after that, let me be your follower."


Mu Ruyue stopped and turned to look at Du Feifei: "What is the reason?"

"Not the old man of my family."

Du Feifei snorted: "He always said that I was mixed with a group of friends and friends, and I still didn't do business. Now I have such a good friend, see what else he has to say."

"Friends?" Mu Ruyue shook his head. "We are not friends..."

"I don't care anyway," Dufifi raised his chin and said proudly. "I decided that the Seven Emperors are my lover. In that life, I will be entangled in him and I will do it for you. Even if I rob, I will take him. Grab the hand, you are the same, I want to make you a friend, then you are my friend! The things that Dufifi believes will never change..."

"That's just you."

Mu Ruyue shook his head helplessly and stepped forward to the front...

Because the prime minister and the seven emperors' palaces are different, on the halfway, Mu Ruyue and Du Feifei parted ways. However, just as he was about to walk to the seven emperors' house, a figure stopped her way...

Mu Ruyue’s brows were lightly wrinkled, and the woman who looked up and looked at her in front of her face asked faintly: “Is there anything?”

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