Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1306: Breakthrough, breakthrough (10)

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He is a greedy woman.

Not only want to have a high weight, but also think about his heart...

But how about this? What she wants, she can definitely get her hand...

"Sorry, there is one thing I want to remind you. From the beginning to the end, in the heart of Yuxi, you...but it is a friend of his young age."


Li Yan's palm was tight, and the ceramic teacup in her hand was shattered by her. The cute baby face was twisted in an instant, and an angry shouted: "What do you say nonsense? Yuxi loves me! He loves me. For so many years, definitely not a woman like you can compare! You are just a woman who is in danger of being awkward! Do you think he really loves you? He is just to escape the fate of the savage woman of Dufifi! However, only the woman who is **** like Du Feifei becomes his wife, I will be relieved that he will not empathize..."

Mu Ruyue's face sank a little bit, and the smile on his lips contained a scornful color: "In my opinion, Du Feifei is not bad, at least, she is better than you..."


Li Xiao laughed twice, as if she had heard a ridiculous joke.

"Really, I am not worried about Du Feifei. She is not as good as me. She is not as good as me. It is so arrogant and arrogant. It is a spoiled Missy. Yuxi is never in love with such bad. Women, only you can make me feel threatened."

"So, I want to let you leave the magic city..."

Li Wei’s smile slowly converges: “And, I heard that you also want to leave here?”

"Not bad!"

Mu Ruyue looked up slightly: "I don't know what method you used to let me go?"

Li Yan Niang took a deep breath and said: "The devil is very hurting me, so I can blow the pillow and help you to get the token, but after getting the token, you must leave this place for a lifetime. Don't come back!"

Suddenly, Mu Ruyue stood up and turned and walked outside the box.

"what do you mean?"

Lily's maiden stood up and stood up, some angry martyrdom.

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just that you have some whimsy," Mu said with a faint smile. "I thought you had a secret passage to leave the Magic City. I didn't expect to need a token. If so, then I don't have to come to see you."

"Leaving the Magic City requires a token. It is well known that the entire Magic City is even that the ministers do not have a token. Only when the special mission is encountered, the Emperor will give the token to them. However, since I am looking for you, I can definitely get the token for you."

Mu Ruyue stepped forward and sneered: "The man of the devil is not fascinated by the woman's pillow, and you can never get a token from him."

When she fell, she did not stop again, and pushed away the door of the box and went out...


Xiaoliu looked at the face of Li Tie Tieqing and couldn't help but screamed.


Li Yan raised her hand and swept the porcelain on the table to the ground. The doll's face was iron-blue: "It's a good month, so I don't know how to be so good! Does she really want to seduce the emperor, or fall in love with Yuxi? No! I can't tolerate these things! The devil's favor is mine, Yuxi's heart is also mine! I won't let any woman take my position and love..."

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