Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1310: Breakthrough, breakthrough (fourteen)

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Mu Ruyue raised his eyes and swept to Dui, faintly said: "Look for one thing, find it, I will naturally leave this place..."

"Please forgive me, don't know what the girl is looking for..."

"A medicinal herb!"

Mu Ruyue’s eyes passed a firm radiance: “A medicinal herb to save my father.”

Dui stunned, and the woman’s firm face was on the head.

At that moment, her body exudes infinite light, making Dui’s eyes look awkward...

In order to save his father into the devil world?

I really don't know if these human beings are too courageous.

You know, the evil of the devil is far more than her imagination...

"So, I don't know if the two can help me out of the Magic City?"

Mu Ruyue’s lips evoked a shallow curvature: “The medicinal material I want to find in Mosssen must leave this place.”

"Girl, we are not helping us, but we are powerless."

Dui shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The tokens that leave the magic city are only owned by the emperors and grandchildren. However, I also heard that you have a good relationship with the seven emperors, but unfortunately because the seven emperors always go out, He has already taken his token back in anger, you want to go out of town, unless you get the token from other princes, otherwise..."

Mu Ruyue's nephew gently sinks.

It seems that I want to leave here, it is still a little trouble...

"Grandpa, grandfather, you can help her."

Du Feifei was anxious: "And, even if you can't help her get the token, let her at least win the game, so she can ask her to leave the magic city..."

The two old men looked at each other with a smile.

"Fifi, since you said so, my grandfather and I will definitely find a way."

Jiang Yan smiled and stared at Du Feifei, and the old face had a kind smile: "Even if you look at your face, I will try my best in this matter."

Suddenly, Du Feifei’s face with a happy smile turned to look at Mu Ruyue.

But before she even said that she would go out, Mu Ruyue slowly walked toward Jiangyan...

"Can I see your body?"

Jiang stunned for a moment, and immediately returned to God, faint smile: "Good."

Obtaining the permission of the other party, Mu Ruyue slowly closed his eyes, and the infinite spiritual power emerged from his mind, and he explored the other's body without scruple.

This is an extremely dangerous move.

At that time, as long as Mu Ruyue had a thought, he could make Jiang Yan an idiot, even if his strength is strong, he can't escape...

So at the beginning, Jiang Yan slightly resisted. Finally, I didn’t know whether it was the trust of the granddaughter to see the people, or deliberately tested Mu Ruyue. He quickly did not move, and calmed down...

Only Dui on the side scared a cold sweat.

How dangerous is it to prevent the mental energy of the other person from entering his body without any precautions? She is really afraid that Mu Yue’s premeditated misconduct hurts Jiang Yan...

Fortunately, nothing happened in the end.

Mu Ruyue took his mental strength back and gradually subsided.

“Can I ask you a few questions?”

"it is good."

Jiang Yan nodded. "If you have anything, just ask."

God knows that at the moment just now, Jiang Yan’s body scared a cold sweat, but from the beginning to the end his old face was hung with a cloud-like smile, showing nothing...

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