Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1312: Auction, provocation (1)

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Mu Ruyue gave him a faint look, his tone was impermanent, but it fell into his heart like a heavy thunder...

"If I didn't guess wrong, do you feel that power is going backwards during this time?"

Jiang Yan’s original smile on his lips was frozen by this sentence.

His strength regressed, and even his son did not tell, just let Master Wu Yu check his body for him. However, Master Wu Yu did not find out why his strength was retrogressive.

Why did the girl look at it at a glance...

"The strength is retrogressing, what is going on?" Dui frowned and swept to Jiang Yan, asking inexplicably.

Jiang Yan said with a wry smile: "I don't know this thing. I just feel that the strength is gradually regressing. It is even more difficult. I have already let Master Wu Yu check it for me. I haven't found out why."



Dui suddenly stood up and his face changed: "When is this, why don't I know?"

To put it bluntly, although Jiang Yan and Du Yi are both prime ministers and the other is a general, they have always been friends. Now they are more close to each other, and naturally they are concerned about this old man.

Jiang Yan shook his head. "It’s been about three months. I don’t know if this will happen. Will I be a waste..."

When he heard this, Dui’s face instantly dipped.

Compared with the mainland, the devil is more weak and strong. Don’t look at Jiang Yan’s current general. Once he loses his strength, he will be nothing. At that time, he will definitely be trampled under the feet of those who have already hated him. .


Du Feifei bit his lip and looked at Jiang Yan nervously: "Even even Master, there is no way for the elderly? What about the owner of Dan Medicine Hall?"

Jiang Yan's lips evoke a bitter smile: "I have already prepared for this matter, Feifei, you don't have to worry, even if there is no strength, no one can take my Du family..."


There was a mist in the eyes of Du Feifei. She didn't know what it was for her grandfather if it really arrived.

She also knows how much hard the grandfather has paid in order to get to this point, and she will never be defeated after she has become famous.

"This one……"

Suddenly, at this time, a weak voice came from behind: "Actually, your grandfather is not a difficult problem, and there is no difficulty in trying to save him..."

Du Feifei's body froze, and she stayed for a while, as if she had seized the last straw, and tightly held Mu Ruyue's shoulders.

"You just said, do you have a way to save your grandfather?"

"I don't have 100% confidence, but I can give it a try..."

Mu Ruyue’s lips have a shallow smile, and the tone is light.

Jiang Yan’s heart was tight, and then he smiled bitterly: “Even Wu Yu’s master can’t save me, I have not reported any hope for it.”

"The grandfather..." Du Feifei turned to look at Jiang Yan, slightly licking her lips and said, "The strength of the month may not be as good as that of the Master, but the knowledge she knows is even admired by the Master, so you can let her give it a try... ..."

Give it a try?

Jiang Yan was silent, and his heart passed through a complex color.

Even Master Wu Yu can't find a solution. Can he entrust all his hopes to a young human woman?


Some girls with my phone reminded me to get up at five o'clock. My mobile phone alarm clock is always ringing. I am trying to finish the twenty-five chapters before 1 am tomorrow. I am afraid that I am too late to start.

I went to a friend's house today and saw that a person I saw just a few days ago became cold and cold. This feeling is very complicated. Moreover, her family’s affairs have not been solved yet...

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