Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1339: No dust in the night (9)

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This time, Bai Ze did not reject the words of Mu Ruyue, only because he knew that there was no dust at night, and in any case, this man would not let Mu Ruyue have any danger.

Therefore, he disappeared in the same place as he flashed...

"Want to go? Hahaha! I want to see if you are gone!"

The devil emperor laughed twice, and the momentum of the body once again gathered and turned into a storm and fell to the ground.

"Mer, be careful!"

The nightless face changed again. He hurriedly raised his hand and pressed Mu Ruyue’s head on his chest. The body flashed in front of her, and a powerful force was applied from the back to let him The internal organs have been trembling a few times.

However, in order to make Mu Ruyue not worry, he did not show anything. He said a word: "Let's go."

When he fell, he held Mu Ruyue’s body tightly and slowly raised his hand to hold the long sword floating in the sky. In a flash, the sword was waving, and the person in front of him was able to hide and hide himself in his sword. under.

Soon, he disappeared in front of everyone with Mu Ruyue...

As the emperor of the devil world, the old monsters that have lived for thousands of years, the strength is of course powerful, is the enemy they can't solve now...

"Want to escape?"

The devil sneered and said coldly: "Come to, close the city, not allow anyone to enter and exit the city! It is a full search, and I will find these two people!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"


At this time, the streets were in danger because of the change of the palace, and everyone could not hide at home.

Therefore, there are only two people who are deserted and silent in the desert...


Suddenly, a pleasant voice came from the front.

Du Feifei quickly ran from the front, panting and said: "Moon, I have heard about the palace. How are you? Are you injured? This man is..."

"Du Feifei, there are some things too late to say, I need to leave this place without dust."

"But..." Du Feifei was hesitant. "How do you leave now? The Emperor will not let you go, or else, you should go to my grandfather first, and we will find a way to send you away."

Mu Ruyue was silent.

Although she saved Jiangyan, but Jiang Yan is a demon emperor, I don't know if I can believe it.

However, now, it seems that there is no other way to do this...

"Okay, then let's go to the military office now."

Perhaps Mu Ruyue and the night are dusty. The current identity is too sensitive. Therefore, they are entering the house through the secret passage, and they are not disturbing anyone...

At this time, in the military house, Jiang Yan and Dui had been waiting anxiously. When they saw Mu Ruyue, their eyes suddenly turned bright and they rushed forward.

"Shantou, now I will not explain more to you, I will send you away from the Magic City!"

Mu Ruyue snorted: "Now the gates of the Magic City are guards, how do we go out.

Upon hearing this, Dui and Jiang Yan looked at each other and finally said those words.

"Actually, in the General's House, there is a secret road leading to the outside of the city. No one knows the secret road. Except for Dui, no one knows that there is such a secret passage in our general army. You asked for the first time. Do we have a way to leave the Magic City, but I can't answer you truthfully, but now there is no other way. You saved me. This is my return to you. If you believe me, then I can take you away. ""

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