Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1357: Return to the devil world (seven)

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Everyone is embarrassed. The Generals and the Prime Minister’s Office are the two strongest forces in the Magic City. Now they say that the injury is hurt. It seems that the closer to the Magic City, the greater the danger...

"The magician intends to deal with the generals and the prime minister."

The man who was proficient in the news silenced for a long time and said: "It is said that it is full of copying! Now these two houses have been controlled. The seven emperors and the master of Wu Tang of Dantang are pleading but there is no use, and it is estimated that In a few days, the two families will disappear..."

At this moment, no one noticed that a couple sitting in the window stood up and left the tavern without returning to the pub...

Outside the pub, Mu Ruyue stopped his steps and turned to look at the night without dust.

"No dust, originally I wanted to wait for the strength to be strong and then return to the magic city. Now it seems that it won't go back..."

The general was locked up by the Emperor to save her. In any case, she could not sit and watch...

I laughed at night without a dust.

The smile is fascinating and fascinating, as if the flowers are blooming on the other side...

"No matter what decision you make, I will only support you."


No matter what Muruyue wants to do, what he gives her is only support...

Even if this decision will put them in a sea of ​​fire, he will never regret it...

"Then let's go, hope we can catch up."

A ray of light swept from the bottom of my eyes, and the expression of Mu Ruyue suddenly cooled cold.

This time, it is the moment when she and the devil settled...


"Dragon, let's go and take a break."

Two rays of light fell in the sky, and soon a figure stood on the street...

It is a milk doll with a pink jade, silver hair like silk, red bloodthirsty blood, and the two different temperament of the fairy demon are revealed. However, he is very delicate and cute, so people can't put it down.

However, in this milk doll's arm is wrapped around a black snake, the gloomy scorpion makes people cold, and dare not approach one step...

"Master, is this really good?"

The dragon is very wrong.

The master made himself into nothing, but he became a snake. You must know that he is a dragon and the most noble dragon of the demon...

"Your look is too scary, I don't want to be so swaying."

The night Si Huang looked at the snake on the arm, and raised a shallow curvature on the **** lips.

Then he stepped into the pub without looking back...

In the blink of an eye, everyone cast their eyes on the night, and the eyes were stunned.

"Whose child is this? Why is it in this place?"

"Hey, this child is really abnormal, actually playing snakes..."


These two words fell into the ear of the dragon, and suddenly cast a gloomy look...

The man came into contact with this cold light, and stopped the sound in an instant...

"This little guest, what do you want to use?"

The shop Xiao Er shook the rag and asked with a smile.

However, he is some distance away from the night Sihuang, for fear that the snake in his hand will hurt himself...

"I don't need it," the night stunned a meal and pointed to the dragon on his arm. "But give him a hundred pounds of black eagle."

The store's second child was a bit strange, and he looked at the magic dragon above the arm of Si Huang.

This snake doesn't look so great, why can you eat so much meat...

However, the customer is supreme, so the store is not ready to ask for anything...

At this moment, the people in the store have both returned to each other and talked again.

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