Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1359: Return to the Magic City (9)

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He saw that the devil had no luggage, and in the entire magic city, only one of his talents had such privileges. Even the owner of Dan Yaotang did not have such rights...

"Sacrifice, what are you doing now?"

"Your Majesty, Chen has something to report."

The ritual arched the arch fist and said: "I just observed that the demon dragon seems to be back..."

"Dragon Dragon?"

The Emperor breathed a tight breath and stood up from the chair in an instant, staring at the sacrifice.

"What are you talking about? The Devil Dragon has been missing for tens of thousands of years. Has it finally appeared? Hahahaha!"

Suddenly, he laughed, and the joyful laughter spread throughout the hall...

"The demon dragon is the symbol of our demon. Since the demon **** left, the demon has been managed by the demon dragon, but not long ago, the demon dragon disappeared. As it disappeared, the devil began to fall into disrepair, as long as it Come back, our devil world will certainly be able to revive the glory, and hey, you can also leave the devil to kill the gods, let those humans surrender to my feet!"

As long as I think of it, the Emperor laughs again...

"His Majesty."

The sacrifice sinks and swears, respectfully said: "But if we want to let the demon dragon return to the magic city, there is still a step..."


"Fire Festival!"

The sacrifice took a breath: "This fire festival needs to be used as the object of the royal blood, and is buried by hundreds of people. Those who have been buried have already had it. The generals of the generals and the prime ministers are best. As for the blood of the royal family, I have calculated that the Seven Emperors are the most suitable, but if they use them as a fire festival, they will be able to return the Demon to the Mozu and lead our Mozu to the glory..."

"it is good!"

The emperor smiled and said: "The next thing, you are responsible for the full sacrifice of the priests. As for Yuxi, the order of the rumors! You are not allowed to leave the Seven Emperors before noon tomorrow! For our Mozu, I believe his hope is also It’s worth it. In addition, the execution of the generals was changed from three days to tomorrow...”

Seeing that the Emperor did not care about his blood, the sacrifice was a bow.

It seems that this man is really ruthless, and he can sacrifice more people for his ambition...

"Your Majesty, Chen retired."

Arched the fist, the devil slowly exited the door...

Not far away, Youqi saw the sacrifice of going out the door at a glance, and hurriedly greeted him: "What is the sacrifice?"

The sacrifice looked at the eyes: "Five Emperors, don't forget what you promised me, as long as I help you frame the Seven Emperors, you will give me the artifact you got last time..."

"The sacrificial adult is relieved. When my seven brothers die, I will personally send them to the house."

Youqi smiled insidiously.

Mu Ruyue, if not you, I will not become so miserable now, but because of the surrender of the token and the punishment of the father, now I will kill Yuxi the stinky boy to retaliate against you, hahaha... ...

The more he thinks, the more he feels, the more he seems to have seen the situation of Yuxi’s fall...


Within the dungeon, Dufifi was draped in her hair, and her legs were curled up in the corner.

Oops, the door was suddenly opened, and a young girl with a baby face stepped in from the doorway, smirking and looking at the girl in front...

"Du Feifei, how is the life of this cell?"

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