Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1368: The dragon appeared (9)

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Jiang Yan was silent.

If he leaves alone, it may be possible, but unfortunately there are too many people he cares about, and it is difficult to break through with so many people...



The sky is dark and colorless, and the wind is whistling. In the gust of wind, the two fight relative to each other. The black clothes blend with the purple robes, forming a scene in the void that cannot be removed from the eyes...

What's more, the two people who are relatively opposite are so beautiful, especially the purple robe man, the evil spirits of the evil spirits set off her as strong as Shura, can not match...

“No dust, be careful!”

Mu Ruyue’s heart stunned and his eyes filled with tension and concern.

The enemy I faced this time is very strong, at least, stronger than the people she has dealt with...

If you can match him, there will be only the strongest of the scorpion fish thousands of years ago...


Mu Ruyue bowed his head and gently stroked his raised belly. He muttered to himself: "I know that you are as simple as Huang's. In any case, you must bless your peace and peace..."

It seems to be in response to the call in her heart, the person in the stomach gently rubbed her foot.

Soon, Mu Ruyue regained his gaze and his eyes fell to the sky again...

"Dragon, what happened?"

At this time, not far from the blue sky above, the night Si Huang felt the arrogance of the dragon under his body, and he frowned.

"Master, it seems that there is something calling me..."

The dragon is a bit strange.

There is only one master in this world that can make it feel inductive, but why is there a call to it in the distance...

"Summon?" The face of the night Si Huang powder carving jade gently sank, and looked up at the faintly visible city gate, the voice of the cold commanded: "Give me speed!"

"Yes, master..."


At this moment, the dragon used all the power to quickly fly quickly toward the distance, like a ray of light across the sky, but could not see his body...


The two swords collided in the sky, the fire spattered, and the powerful force spread out from the two swords, forming a transparent aftermath in the sky.

The dust-free feet stepped back a few steps, and a trace of blood flowed out slowly along the lips. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and finally a slight dignity was revealed between the eyebrows.

The Emperor is also very surprised. I didn't expect a small human being to have such power, but what about this? He will never be his opponent...

"Ha ha ha!"

Thinking of this, the devil sneered two times, and the laughter spread throughout the square, and the people shouted.

"Human, I admire you very much, your strength is really strong, and for so many years, you are the only one who admire! But now, you are desperate to die here, human, thank you, because you will give it to you Leave a whole body..."



In an instant, the sky is even more dim, obviously still in the afternoon, but you can't see a trace of light...

The black hurricane gathered in front of the demon emperor, the powerful one could not breathe, and the bang banged to the night without dust...

This move brings together all his power, that is to say, as long as he can withstand this trick, the man who is as strong as Shura will die...

“No dust!”

Mu Ruyue’s heart almost jumped out, desperately rushing to the night without dust.

Just because of her pregnancy, her speed is still slower than usual, so that she can't wait to go forward. She can only watch the power of the demon in the night without dust...


Ps: The network at night is not very stable. It is not easy to send chapters. If I see that there are no new chapters in more than five minutes, then I will prove that I have gone through the network --

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