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I don't know why, looking at the fierce expression of the boy, Du Feifei's heart is like the sweetness of eating honey.

She has long thought about it. If she can die with him, is it not a kind of happiness? So no matter what the outcome, she will not go to fear again...

"His Majesty!"

Suddenly, the sacrifice seemed to feel something, and hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, I feel the breath of the dragon, yes, it is indeed the breath of the dragon, it finally appeared."

Magic dragon?

The devil stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed, and the screaming voice filled the entire sky.

"The magic dragon appears, human, you can't escape, hahahaha!"

Compared with his madness, Jiang Yan and others' faces were dimmed.

Originally they saw hope in the dustless night, but now the hope is once again shattered. If the dragon appears, everyone here can't escape...

"The dragon is here! It really appears!"

"That is the legendary dragon that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. God, I am not dreaming."

"The demon appeared, these arrogant humans must have no good fruit to eat..."

Devotion and worship appeared in the eyes of everyone, and they looked at the overcast sky without fail.

In the eyes that those people yearn for, a huge body like an airship usually flies away from the sky, covering the sky and covering the entire sky, as if a huge shadow has been cast down, covering everyone's body. Living……

It is a very huge black dragon. Two gliding wings are enough to accommodate more than one hundred people. The ferocious scorpion seems to have no humanity. When the head is shouting, the open **** mouth can swallow quickly. Hundreds of people...

Everyone was shocked.

They have never seen such a powerful dragon, and even when they look at it, they can feel the fear spread from the bottom of their hearts and let their bodies tremble...

"See Devil Dragon."

The Emperor first came back to God and took the lead to lead everyone down, worshipping.

On the entire square, there were only two people who stood in the same place and did not move.

And this scene fell into the eyes of everyone, but when it was done, it was the embarrassment of the dragon...

The devil's lips evoke a sneer smile. In his opinion, how can such a legendary person like the demon dragon allow these people to stand in front of themselves? Soon, without him saying anything, these people will be blown away by the Dragon Dragon...

“Hey? It’s very lively...”

At this silent moment, a tender voice sounded uncomfortable...

Everyone was stunned, and when they looked up, they saw a small head behind the dragon.

It was a little boy about eighty-nine years old. The face of the pink-carved jade hangs a bright smile. A long silver hair like a silk is lightly swayed in the black wind. The bloodthirsty red dragonfly has a shallow smile. .

At this moment, everyone is dumbfounded and can't seem to believe this scene that they see in their eyes...

Are they not mistaken? Is there a child lying on the body of the dragon? Who is that child? Why can you make such an amazing move?

Even more surprising is still behind.

After hearing the words of the little boy, the original ferocious dragon was bowed his head, thinking like thinking about it for a while, saying, "I don't know, Master, you can ask them."

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