Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1373: The dragon appeared (fourteen)

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Following the priest's gaze, Mu Ruyue's gaze was locked on Yuqi's body.

Yuxi just turned and wanted to run, and a cold light came from behind him, and he slammed his body. He was shocked and slowly poured down.

At the moment of falling, what Youqi was looking for was the face of the country.


What Yush seemed to think of: "The generals and the prime minister were persecuted because of Li Wei’s sake."

"Oh?" Mu Ruyue picked up his eyebrows. "Then she gave Du Feifei personally." Yuxi, I will soon leave the devil world. Now the demon is dead, the devil is ruled by you... ”

"This..." Yuxi hesitated. "I am still young. Can this kind of thing be done?"

Mu Ruyue took a shot of Yuxi’s shoulder and smiled and said: “You have to believe in your strength. Moreover, the status quo of the devil needs to be changed. The magic city does not have to be isolated from the world, or many go outside to go to the devil. There are also some benefits to the development of people in the city."

As if to make up his mind, Yu Xiyi nodded. "I understand, I will abolish the dictatorship of the father, and develop the magic world more powerfully! Woman, thank you, you not only saved me, but also..."

"It’s me who thanked me. In those days, you stunned me from the Devil's Forest. Later, Dufifi let me escape the Magic City, so this time I am back..."

Du Feifei’s heart trembled. She licked her lips and looked up at Mu Ruyue.

"After you have finished, is the representative going to leave?"

Mu Ruyue nodded: "It's almost."

"That... can I go to the gods in the future as your follow-up?"

"Okay," Mu Ruyue smiled. "The world of the gods welcomes you at any time, no dust, we should go..."

The flower of the devil has already arrived, but there is still one thing that she can't let go.

That is the fall of Xiao gently...

After leaving Devil's Forest, I don't know where she went.

Looking at the back of Mu Ruyue’s departure, Du Feifei’s eyes have a sigh of relief: “She is a good person. At the beginning, even if I helped her, it was to save her grandfather’s friendship, but she still ventured back...”

Based on this, her life can not be repaid...

"Du Feifei, we can still meet her in the future."

Yuxi turned to look at Du Feifei, and his eyes were solemn.

"Now are you willing to work with me to develop the devil?"

Du Feifei turned red: "I am willing..."


She is willing to be with him.

And this day, she waited too long and too long...

In the bush, Mu Ruyue stopped his steps, his eyes fell to the night, and he raised his eyebrows: "Let's say, how come you are in the devil world?"

The night Si Huang licked the thin lips: "I am trying to hide."

"What happened?" Mu Ruyue’s expression dignified and asked.

"In the past life, I inadvertently obtained the blood of a bottle of demon gods. Since then, there has been a demon bloodline, and it is a contract dragon. So, those who are just people in the realm of God have opened up and chased me. God, they noticed my whereabouts, so I had to leave you..."

"But the damage of the dragon has not recovered, and my strength has not reached the previous level. I can't beat those people, so I fled the devil world. I didn't expect to meet my mother..."

Mu Ruyue’s heart hurts. I didn’t expect Xiao Huanger to leave her for this reason.

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