Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1404: Ruins of the ancestors (5)

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Jimo adults?

Everyone glimpsed, and when they didn’t react, they saw the crowd and opened a passage. Then, the figure of Jimo’s tall figure slowly appeared in their sight...

"Jimo adult," Zheng Ran breathed a deep breath and said, "I don't know what Jimo is doing here now?"

Jimo didn't talk, and a pair of eyes like a knife swept to Mu Ruyue, but he quickly collected it back. He said faintly: "It is too dangerous for you to enter the ruins alone. Since now, the monks are made by us. The family is in charge, I will definitely protect your safety, so I will enter the ruins with you!"


The Zheng family’s people suddenly sensationalized.

If Jimo and Lin are involved, will the treasures found in the remains still have their share?

"Immediate, we can protect your own safety, you will not bother adults."

Zheng Ran thought a hundred turns, took a deep breath, said one word at a time.

Of course, he saw that the visitor was not good, but this ruin is now owned by the Zheng family. Of course, he does not want to have two more powerful people to divide...

"it is good."

Jimo lifted his chin and said coldly: "I can't participate in the things between you, but this woman, you must hand it over to me."

When he said this, he pointed his finger to Mu Ruyue, his voice was gloomy and murderous.

This human being is too dangerous. If she does not eliminate her, she will endless troubles...

Mu Ruyue shook his lips at a shallow angle and did not say a word.

She is waiting for Zheng Ran’s decision...

Is it willing to divide the treasures in the ruins or hand over her...

You must know that even if Mu Ruyue has a kindness to Zheng Ran, now he can completely give up her because of the six parents.

And she can't do anything.

"Jimo Master, don't you think that your request is too much?" Zheng Ran's face changed a little. "Mu girl doesn't know where to offend the adult, you want to take her to punish, if the Iraqi family is here, It’s definitely not going to bully!”

Jimo’s face sank with an amazing storm.

"What do you mean, don't want to hand her over?"

Zheng Ran smiled and said: "Jimo Master, it is not too early. If you want to explore the ruins with us, it is better to start..."

In any case, Zheng Ran has been a homeowner for so many years, of course knowing who can't provoke.

Therefore, he took a step back and gave Jimo a step...

Apparently, after hearing this, Jimo’s face gradually turned better.

He snorted, and the sturdy scorpion swept away from the beautiful face of Mu Ruyue.

"let's go."

When he fell, he turned and walked toward the medicine field not far away...

Under the medicine field, it is the remains that they want to explore...

Mu Ruyue felt the anger and murderousness from his side, and turned his head to look at the handsome face of the man. However, it was a cold face, and his face was slowly angry.


She held the unforgettable hand tightly and asked, "What happened?"

"He bullies you!"

The momentum of the unforgettable body suddenly climbed up, forming a sharp contrast with the deer-like appearance...

"So, he **** it! I am going to kill him!"


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