Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1418: Jimo’s death (seven)

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"Zheng Ran, you **** who have betrayed the monks! Actually help humanity frame me, the compatriots of the monks will not forgive you, you are a human being, and you are not worthy of being a monk!"

Jimo madly screamed and screamed.


Mu Ruyue laughed, and the smile contained a sarcasm: "You Jimo family, can you qualify to say such a thing? To say betrayal, probably only you can do it."


Jimo laughed a lot: "Human, do you actually say that my Jimo family will betray? Our Jimo family has always been empathetic! The owner is to protect the former patriarch from being seriously injured! If you say such things, people from the monks will not let you go!"

Mu Ruyue sneered a sneer, and did not intend to say anything more. He wanted to let Jimo solve it without forgetting, but at this moment, a bang, a blue light rushed over and passed through the body of Mu Ruyue...

"Small moon!"

When I turned my head, I saw the scene, my eyes narrowed, my heart seemed to be torn by one hand, and I couldn’t help myself...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Jimo’s laughter is getting bigger and bigger, and the madness is ringing through the entire remains.

"This is the ruins of the ancestors of the Yi family. It is also the ancestor of the Yi people. You are here to hurt us. Even the ancestors can’t see it. Human women, I said earlier, and we are enemies of the monks. Absolutely no good end!"

And now, it’s her death...

Zheng Qianqian hurriedly grabbed his lips and looked at Mu Ruyue, who was worn by the blue light. The tears slid down from the corner of his eyes, and his body shivered gently.

"How... how can it..."

It must be victorious, why is this happening?

Is it true that the ancestors of the monks are not divided?

The wrong thing is Jimo, why did she kill her...

"Little month!!!"

Without forgetting the madness, he rushed toward Mu Ruyue, and the scarlet was covered with the whole eye. If, if she had something, he would destroy the entire monk.

Let all the monks bury her for her!

Blu-ray slowly dissipates...

The breeze blew, the blue silk flew...

I forgot to stop, and my eyes fell on Mu Ruyue’s body. At this moment, his heart was full of fear, as if she was afraid that she would disappear.

"not dead?"

Jimo’s smile froze, and after suffering this attack, she turned out to be dead...

But before he came back, Mu Ruyue once again gave off a blue light. In the blue light, a stunning figure came out...

It was a handsome man who looked like a male and a woman. The delicate facial features were so dazzling in the light. The long blue hair was like silk and dragged to his feet.

Zheng Qianqian’s cockroaches are full of surprises, and his eyes are not willing to move away from such a man...

Although the monks are very beautiful, but to the extent of beauty, it is still extremely rare, especially the noble temperament of men, as if to be able to convince all people...

"No! Impossible!"

Jimo's eyes wide open, and he looked at the blue-haired man with disbelief. The heart rose to a sense of fear, and his face turned pale.

"Why, why is he here, especially with humans going back to this place, it is absolutely impossible!"


Ps: Recommended ghost 王 婉 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆 逆

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