Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1430: Go to Jimo Family (9)

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Mu Ruyue pushed open the bottle cap and a red light shot. When he saw the attributes contained in the drug, his face changed completely.

"Prestige medicinal herbs?"

This human woman actually has a noble medicine...

Jimo Scorpio clenched his fists and his eyes were filled with angry flames.

Mu Ruyue did not speak, and put the medicinal herbs into the abdomen. At that moment, the strength of her body was soaring, as if it could erupt instantly...

“God respects the middle class? Did she break through to the Shenzun Intermediate?”

Inside the crowd, a sudden exclamation sounded.

"No, it seems that she has temporarily upgraded her grade through the remedy..."

Everyone stopped their movements and looked at Mu Ruyue, not far away...

"Where is your respected medicinal medicine?" Jimo Tianzhu's face is a blue-green, "The whole sultry family, now only our Jimo family has a esteemed remedy! You and Ling Lao are a group, Is it difficult to steal from our Jimo family?"

Mu Ruyue smiled coldly: "The monks have always called themselves pure and kind, why I can't see a bit of purity, I didn't expect that there are shameless scums like you!"

"what did you say?"

Jimo Scorpio bites his teeth and holds the long sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the sword light in his hand flashed to Mu Ruyue.


Jianguang squatted and smashed Mu Ruyue's body into two paragraphs. When Jimo Tianzhu wanted to laugh loudly, the figure in front of the woman disappeared like a breeze.

"The afterimage?"

Jimo stunned for a moment, suddenly, behind a strong momentum, he hurriedly turned his head to resist, slamming, both of them stepped back a few steps...

"Is the Scorpio adult just back?"

"This human woman has forced the Scorpio to retreat..."

Everyone was surprised to see Mu Ruyue, did not think she would have such strength...

"A sword breaks the sky!"

As the woman's voice was thrown, there was an infinite flame floating behind her, and the flame condensed into a big sword in the air, and a strong storm burst.

Jimo Scorpio hurried back, even though this, the big sword left a deep mark on his chest, and the blood immediately burst out and dyed his chest...

"Little girl, I really look down on you! Although you just use the drug to improve your strength, the power does not have the power to break through, but you still hurt me!"

Jimo Scorpio's look finally dignified, looking at Mu Ruyue seriously.

"Unfortunately, it is now in the territory of my sultry family. Moreover, the strongest of our sects is a god-honored peak. Do you think that there will be a good end to our enemies? I advise you, Leave here immediately, I will not do anything as usual, otherwise..."

Jimo Scorpio slightly narrowed his eyes.

If the father is not in a retreat, he will never let the woman leave...

"I can go, but I want to take away all the people in Iraq, including the Iraqi family!"

"what did you say?"

Jimo’s eyes wide open.


Never possible!

How can this woman know that the Iraqi family is still alive, even within their Jimo family...

"This little girl just mentioned the Iraqi family leader? Is the Iraqi family leader already dead? How could it still exist?"

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