Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1432: Announcement of Event 12

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A cute girl helped the concert held on YY, starting at 7:00 on the 12th, if there is time, the pro can come to play.

There are rewards for the event. . Rewards are virtual and physical, virtual such as QQ coins, and entities such as snacks.

There is also an ultimate mystery gift. . As for the big gift, I will not disclose it. Hahahaha.

I will still update my text that day. . Don't worry about this

The specific activity process is in the following URL. Xiaoqiye520. Icoc. Cc /, this is a website that a sister helped build. If there is a place that does not understand this message inside this website, someone will reply.

In addition, I can also pay attention to my Sina Weibo. I will announce this place in the event of "-Xiao Qiye".

I originally wanted to open a new article recently, but because some situations can't keep up with the new text, the home decoration is noisy during the day. At night, I only have the energy to write an article, so the new text is temporarily pushed back, and then the preparation is finished after the decoration is finished.

kisses. On the 12th, I am waiting for you at YY. It is enough to download the voice YY from the computer or mobile phone. When the YY channel arrives, ‘I will announce that I can ask if I want to know the new situation. . The new text has been conceived, and the same woman is strong and cool, and the male lover is strong.

Note: This chapter is a free chapter, no money

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