Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1445: The end of the scorpionfish (four)

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It didn't take long for the blood to be born, so during this period, she could no longer continue fighting...

In the same way, I have no choice but to start to get rid of the sequelae of the flower of the devil world. Therefore, I can’t come out. I hope that I will not have any scorpions during this time...


Half a year is like running water, unconsciously, no forget and Mu Ruyue retreat has passed for half a year.

In the first half of the year, except for the cry of a baby on a certain day, it regained its calmness after it rang through the night sky...

Calm enough to make everyone scared...

Even more, the Dan family did not come to them for trouble.

At this time, within a secret room of Shenmen, the black man looked at Lin Ruoyin standing in front of him, and said with a blank expression: "In the past six months, you have not only failed to kill the woman, but have never approached. No forget, I want you to use it in the end?"

Lin Ruoyu insisted on his lips and argued: "You don't know, there are too many people around Mu Ruyue. The woman lives by her side. I can't attack it at all! As for no forget, since I came back, I started. Retreat, I can't get close at all, so..."

"Don't find me a reason!"

The black man’s face sank: “I saved you at the beginning, you have to pay me the price! Do you think that you have really become Lin Ruoyu and forget your previous identity? Now I will give it again. You have a task. A few months ago, Mu Ruyue gave birth to a daughter. The daughter’s head is very big. Our Dan family’s sacrifice has already passed her life, and she will be stolen from her. Otherwise, don’t Blame me, you are welcome!"

When the words fell, the black man finally looked at Lin’s pale face and stepped out of the door...

Looking at the disappearing figure, the face of Lin Ruowen was distorted.

If they are not, they will not be threatened by the Dan family!

Therefore, she will never let go of those people!


Within the bedroom, Mu Ruyue gently patted the baby in the sputum, and a soft smile on his lips.

Xiaoyue looked at the little baby in her arms, and the eyes were unrecognizable.

"Master, this little baby is really cute, powdered and jade, is not the owner and the child of the dust-free adult, just, why is she different from Huang's birth?"

When Night Shuang was born, it was not an ordinary baby, and the blood was not simple. Otherwise, she would not find her after the owner had pregnant her, but now she is completely an ordinary child. Can't see the difference with other babies...

The blood squatted with a pair of big round eyes, and the small hand holding the meat toot wanted to admire the face of the moon, and giggled, no different from ordinary babies...

" Xiaoyue, blood children and Huang children are different. When I was pregnant with Huang, he had memories, but he had his own consciousness. Although he could not pass the sound to me, I knew that he was not A baby, but the blood is different. After birth, she has no memory, but I know that she is not an ordinary person..."

Mu Ruyue laughed, and the smile was beautiful: "But no matter who she is, it is me and a dust-free daughter, a daughter I can fight all to protect..."


Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Lin Ruoyi ran out in a panting breath, anxiously said: "Moon, the big thing is not good."

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