Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1448: The end of the scorpionfish (seven)

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Mu Ruyue’s heart trembled a little. She closed her glasses slightly and whispered softly: “Bai Ze...”

Bai Ze said yes.

No matter what happens, she will recruit them into Dan Book in advance so that they can't come out to face danger.

Even though she was thinking about their comfort, she forgot that from the day they contracted them, these Warcraft became her power...

"A War of God at the top of a god?"

Danfei disdainfully sneered: "On your own Warcraft, how can you deal with the old man? Not to mention that there are so many strong people in my Dan family! Come, give me, the people of God, one must not put Over!"


In an instant, a powerful force broke out in the crowd, and everyone flocked to attack the people of God.

"Ha ha ha, you all give me to die. From then on, there is no more so-called **** door in the mainland of God! When I retrieved Dan from your hand, then the whole continent will become mine. In the bag!"

Danfei laughed wildly and screamed at the **** red.

He waited for a thousand years.

I have waited for that book for thousands of years...

It’s hard to find the whereabouts of Dan Book. In any case, he will not give up...

"Everyone pays attention to me!" Tong Xuan's face changed slightly and said in a hurry, "Don't let the Dan family pass, let Dan know that we have nothing to do..."

"Yes, elders!"

The war is on the verge!

The sunset is red with the whole sky, and the blood that blooms on the ground is especially bright...

It seems that roses are generally blooming on the ground...

Everyone is red-eyed, desperately rushing to the enemy, and wants to smash these people!

Danfei looked at the battle underneath and turned his eyes to the white-haired man with a smirk on his lips. "How are you going to decide? Is it fighting with me, or hiding, hahaha! But looking at you is I can give you a chance for Warcraft, as long as you cancel the contract with that human, I might give you a way to live!"

Bai Ze did not hear his voice. He bowed his head to the woman next to him and said, "Yue, give it to me, you let it go."


Mu Ruyue hurriedly grabbed Bai Ze’s hand and raised the light and replied: “Your Warcraft is indeed my strength, but it is not a tool to stop all dangers for me. For me, you can fight side by side. The comrades! So, if you really want to fight, then... I am willing to fight with you!"

Bai Ze laughed, and the smile was gentle as the spring breeze crossed the heart of Mu Ruyue.

It is hard to imagine that this man, like a god, can have such a warm smile.

But his gentleness and guardianship only gave a woman.

It is this woman's choice has not been him, then he ... no regrets!

"it is good!"

Bai Ze’s line of sight is softer and softer, and the lips contain a soft temperature: “Month, let’s fight together!”

Mu Ruo nodded and slowly raised his hand. In an instant, Jiu Tian Long Yan Jian appeared again in her hands.

Then she took out a bottle of medicinal herbs and used her head.

At that moment, the strength of her body inflated, and she immediately reached the peak from Shenzun senior...


Danfei stunned and then shook his head: "No, this is not a breakthrough, but it has only temporarily improved the strength! However, even if she has increased her strength, there are only two gods, and it will not be my opponent!"

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