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Among the flames, the flame lion made a wolvering sound, and the heartbreaking sound rang, shaking the entire top floor space...

"Let you, let me go!"

The flame lion waved his hand hard, trying to drive away the flame in front of him. His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, staring at Mu Ruyue.

"I have the ability, don't let me see you again, otherwise I will break you down!"

Mu Ruyue smiled faintly: "You can rest assured, you will not see me again..."

"A sword breaks the sky!"

The big sword burned the flame of the bear in the sky, and then screamed at the horror of the flame lion. At that moment, it seemed as if the whole sky had been opened, with a stunning red...

"Dacheng? This is... impossible! Even without forgetting, I have never practiced a sword to Dacheng!"


The ground, at this moment, was opened a gap, and the splashing stones covered the figure in the flame.

Mu Ruyue regained his gaze and did not look back. The path disappeared into this open space...


Here is the door to **** to hell. I saw a black gate standing on the ground, and a dark color on the door. The door knockers made by the two big cockroaches are very horrible.

Mu Ruyue stopped the steps and looked at the door to **** in front of her. She sank and sighed, and the jade hand slowly fell on the top...


The door was opened by her, and at that moment, a hot temperature rushed to the face.

It was actually giving her a feeling that she would be burned clean by the flames...

How long has it been?

How long has she been afraid of the flames? However, at this moment, Mu Ruyue clearly felt the jealousy in his heart.

"This is the Jiuzhong industry fire? The most powerful flame in the world today, it is said that even if it is a strong man, the body will be destroyed in this flame! Unless it is the soul! Only the soul will be under the fire of Jiuzhong It’s not dead, it’s painful!”

Mu Ruyue’s eyes strengthened a little bit: “But no matter what, I have to enter this place, because there is another person waiting for me...”

When she fell, she did not hesitate and stepped into the door of hell...


At that moment, the strong flame seemed to find the object, and suddenly surrounded her body. Under the flame, Mu Ruyue only felt severe pain.

This pain goes deep into the soul, just like the body will soon be destroyed...

However, from the beginning to the end, Mu Ruyue is biting his teeth and walking hard toward the front.

"Fortunately, I took the fruit of the North, and I have resistance to this flame. Otherwise, I probably just entered the gates of Hell, and there will be no ash left by the Jiuzhongye fire, but even so, Jiuzhongyehuo The power is not acceptable to anyone..."

If this is the case, even if there is a northern fruit, she may not be able to go to the end.


Mu Ruyue’s eyes are bright, yes, only to conquer the Jiuzhong industry fire, she can safely leave here...

Thinking of this, Mu Ruyue stopped his steps and sat down on the floor, slightly closing his eyes.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Huo Feng felt the action of Mu Ruyue, anxiously said: "While you took the fruit of the North, but if you stay in this Jiuzhong industry for a while, even the fruit of the North is not necessarily protected. You, you are not leaving this place!"

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