Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1468: Hell's Gate (11)

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"White Pond……"

Mu Ruyue’s heart shook and smiled and said: “I know that if I let you go, you will never leave now. After all the things are over, let me let you be free. You can find your own happiness. This life is by my side, I am really wronged by you..."

Bai Ze’s fingers were stiff, and the smile on the handsome face slowly disappeared.

His injured eyes stared at the woman in front of him, with sadness on his face.

"You want to drive me away?"

"Bai Ze, I just don't want you to be wronged, because I can't give you the future, and I can't promise you. This life, I love, only that man, except for him, can't accommodate other things in my heart. ”

Bai Ze slowly retracted his hand and said with a smile: "I know, so I never want to get you. For me, I can be with you, even if I am only a friend. Happiness, if you and I cancel the contract and let me be free, then how come I am happy? Month, I will not go, this life is that you will leave me, I will not leave you..."

Mu Ruyue’s heart felt a painful pain.

In this life, perhaps the most owed, this man...

In the face of his unrepentant effort, she could not give him any promise...

"White Pond……"

Mu Ruyue took back his gaze and looked at the sky not far away. He said faintly: "You don't want to leave, I don't force you. If one day you want to go, then... I will give you freedom."

"This day will never come..."

His happiness is her.

So, in any case, he will not leave this woman, and will not go far away...

"Let's go, we..."

Just when Mu Ruyue wanted to say something, a footstep sounded in unison, and then a group of troops surrounded Mu Ruyue and Bai Ze without leaving a gap.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, a man in a military uniform walked quickly and arched his fist at Mu Ruyue and said, "This girl, our city owner wants to see you."

City owner?

Mu Ruyue frowned, she just came to hell, how do you know the so-called urban master?

"I don't know who your city owner is?"

"When the girl went, she knew that the city owner was waiting for the girl in the house."

Upon hearing this, Mu Ruyue and Bai Ze looked at each other.

She is very curious about who this city owner is...

"Let's go, Bai Ze, let's go see the so-called urban master."

"it is good."

Bai Ze smiled nodded, and his gentle eyes shrouded Mu Ruyue, whispering.

The officers and men were happy in the heart, arched their fists and made a gesture of asking: "Please ask the girl here."

"Lead the way."

Mu Ruyue’s cockroach flashed a glimmer of unclear light, faintly said.


Just entering the city's main government, Mu Ruyue saw the figure inside facing the hall.

A red dress is swaying in the wind, red hair is like a demon, and it makes a stunning arc in the breeze.

The man with his hands on his back, the slender body in the sun, a long shadow, he seems to be aware of the latecomers, slowly turned to look at the woman who appeared at the door, the peerless face with a smile .

"Woman, I finally saw you again..."

"Feng Fengtian?"

Mu Ruyue stunned.

She did not expect that the city owner of Fengcheng turned out to be a phoenix!

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