Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 909: Infatuated Feng Jingtian (4)

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Suddenly, a red hair fell from the front, and the man's red robe bloomed like a blood raspberry in her eyes.

The blood was slowly sprinkled from his body, and the red eyes of Mu Ruyue were dyed.

The tall figure was in front of her, making her heart tremble unconsciously...

"Feng Fengtian!"

Looking at the figure that turned around, Mu Ruyue shouted and shouted.

The man's red lips are moving, and he seems to want to say something. Mu Ruyue has already fallen into the black light. The last glance is the blood from his chest.

The blood rushed out and sprinkled all over the place, but it made her heart hurt.

Then, Mu Ruyue lost all consciousness and disappeared into the darkness.


In the confusion, Mu Ruyue was quarreled by a quarrel.

"Zhang Jun, who are you talking about this woman? Why are you bringing her back?"

The voice is very sharp and angry.

"I didn't say it. She is the woman I got on Changbai Mountain! I saw that she was unconscious and there was too dangerous. She brought her back. Don't mess with the vinegar."

"I don't care, you have to send this woman away! Who knows if she is a spy of other martial art! Moreover, our ancient Wu of the Chinese has long been lost, and there are not many people who can now cultivate. The sects have long been stipulated that they can not make some Ordinary people know the existence of our ancient warriors, otherwise it will cause some unnecessary trouble."

Mu Ruyue frowned and looked awkward in her eyes. When she hesitated, the door was pushed open and a pair of handsome men and women came in.

The man looks handsome, his nephew is like a star, wearing a relatively simple black suit, with a helpless color between the eyebrows.

Beside him is a woman who looks like a glamorous woman. She is looking at her like a month, just as Mu Ruyue is the third child who snatched her man.

"Where is this place?" Mu Ruyue’s brow slowly loosened, and the tone was faint.

The woman put her hands on her hips and snorted: "You are an ordinary person, you don't understand it, my husband, let her leave here, and if it is known to others, it will be troublesome."

When she said this, the woman’s tone was high and she looked at Mu Ruyue with high anger.

For her, those people are just ordinary people. How can they qualify for the comparison with these ancient warriors? Even those developed weapons can't subdue them. If they were not prescribed by the ancient martial arts, they should not reveal their identity to ordinary people. They should not be allowed to go to ordinary people. It is feared that the ancient warriors would not limit themselves.

"Girl," the man smiled and said, "My name is Zhang Jun. This is my wife, Lin Shan. I have asked Hai Han for more offenses. As for our identity, I really can't tell, and I ask the girl to forgive."

"Zhang Jun," the glamorous woman's look is cold. "What are you doing so kindly? Can you not look at this little girl? She really looks good, but don't forget, you can go to this position completely. My father! Without my father, you thought there would be you today!"

"Lin Shan!"

Zhang Jun’s look is somewhat unsightly: “I’ve already said that it’s just that she is unconscious and brought her back here. Are you still finished? Every time I look at other women, I’m going to eat vinegar. I even find trouble for those women! Do you know that others are when you are crazy? Just be here for us, but you dare to go even with other forces. Do you have to bring trouble for us?"

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