Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 914: China, the danger of the family (5)

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However, after her sister died, Mu Jia has moved out of position, how can she know the order of all the rooms?

At this time, Mu Haotian naturally did not know, and Mu Ruyue under anxiously released the mental power directly, and it was easy to lock the room of Mu Zheng...

Outside the room, Mu Ruyue hurriedly pushed open the door, but after seeing the scrawny figure lying on the hospital bed, the heart seemed to be stabbed down by the squatting, and the footsteps ran in.

Now the singer, she can't believe it.

The pale first trembled, the thinness seemed to have only one bone left, and the hair turned into a snow color, and the eyes were deeply sunken into it, as if the oil lamp was dry.

I haven't seen it for two years, and Grandpa has turned into this look.

It can be seen that his death in the past gave him much harm...

"Sister Xiao?"

Mu Haotian brows slightly wrinkled, his eyes more doubts.

It stands to reason that Xiao Sister is just a friend of his sister. At most, she just promised her to help her, but why did she show such a look after seeing her grandfather?

She... is it really a friend of her sister?

Suddenly, Mu Haotian thought of what Mu Ruyue had just asked himself, and his heart jerked, but he couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

How can this happen if you win the rebirth?

However, somehow, the more he saw, the more the woman and the sister were too similar, not only the face, but also the temperament...

"He is just a big injury, there is nothing wrong with it," Mu Ruyue took back his look and said, "I have a supplement Yuan Dan here. He can recover after taking this medicine."

Mu Haotian fiercely shocked, the wrong eyes fell on the hands of Mu Ruyue.

"You... are you talking about it?"

At this moment, his mood was excited, and his eyes stared at Mu Ruyue.

"Not bad." Mu Ruyue smiled and said, "If you believe me, give him."

The slow Mu Haotian regained his emotions and said with a firm gaze: "I believe that my sister's vision, the person who can be seen by her, is definitely not bad!"

Is it the person she is looking at?

Mu Ruyue’s mouth is full of bitter taste.

How do teenagers know that two years ago, those people could set up a trap on Changbai Mountain. Similarly, they could not be separated from one person...

If it is not that person, how can he ambush in the middle and lower?

Finally, the soul is fallen, and the soul is gone...

Mu Haotian poured a cup of tea, stuffed the medicinal herbs into the mouth of the zither, and then used the tea to go on. When he finished doing all this, he saw the woman walking towards the sunshine outside the house.

"She shouldn't be her sister," Mu Haotian shook his head and said, "Sister... I won't make alchemy, and there is nothing to remedy."

This woman is probably just a friend of her sister...

Thinking about this, Mu Haotian lost his head, and the face of the green is pale in the sun...


The old man coughed twice and slowly opened the turbid scorpion: "Heaven..."


Mu Haotian hurriedly took the old man's hand and said excitedly: "Grandpa, you finally woke up, and the remedy given by Xiao sister was really powerful."

"Sister Xiao?" Mu Zheng looked confused and looked at Mu Haotian.

"Sister Xiao is a friend my sister knows in the United States," Mu Haotian stunned and bit his lip. "She is coming back for her sister..."

Mentioning the woman who has passed away, the body of the zither is stiff, and there is a pain in the look...


Ps: Today is not over yet, sleep first, good night.

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