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They thought that this woman was a small three, but I didn't expect such a dramatic drama, and the men they thought were heavy and serious, they were really sinister and poisonous, and they ruined a pair of cockroaches for their own purposes...


Xia Lulu trembled and exclaimed, this is absolutely impossible. If a good man like Dad does not have a woman, how can he count others in order to get this woman?

But when she turned her head, she saw the pale face of a middle-aged man.

At this time, his temper trembling, his face was angry and angered: "Yunluo, don't forget what you promised me!"


Everyone rioted.

His sentence is tantamount to admitting his own actions in disguise, so that everyone did not think that being the head of the Xia family was so shameless and insidious!

"Yueer," Yunlu turned to look at Mu Ruyue, worried, "Your father, he..."

"He has nothing to do."

Mu Ruyue shook his head.

Just now, she told her that his man had found his father’s whereabouts and would soon bring him out, and she came here to stop the wedding.

"It's okay."

Yun Luo sighed. After learning that Mu Yuan had no worries, he turned his head and looked at Xia Ming: "I have not promised you anything. You forced me with his life. Unfortunately, your strategy is doomed. Got it..."

Xia Ming laughed wildly: "Yunluo, do you think you are gone? Now you are just a waste, district waste, and want to leave from my summer home? This time is not just for you, including your daughter. go away!"

"Waste?" Mu Ruyue brows and wrinkles, turned his head and looked at the clouds.

She didn't pay attention to it at first, but now she found that Yunluo Dantian was damaged and could not unite.

"Mom, I have eaten this remedy."

She raised her hand and waved a medicinal herb to conceive Yunluo.

Yunluo stunned, but he still swallowed the medicinal herbs without hesitation. At this moment, she clearly felt that her damaged Dantian was gradually recovering.

The sudden feeling made Yun Luo stunned, and looked at Mu Ruyue with disbelief. The expression was like seeing a ghost: "My dantian recovered?"

This... this is too abnormal!

"What?" Xia Ming whispered, muttering to himself: "Dan Tian can recover? This is how is this possible?"

But the facts are clearly in front of him, so he has to believe...

"Dan medicine!" Ziyu's eyes stared at Mu Ruyue, swallowed hard, and flashed a hint of coveted eyes. "This lady, I don't know if you still have remedies, I want to buy you." The remedy!"

Mu Ruyue’s brow wrinkled, cold eyes swept over the face of Ziyu’s coveted, “Sorry, my drug is not for sale.”

"You don't sell?" Ziyu's face changed. "Do you know who I am? I am a purple family. I refused me like this. I am not afraid to offend my purple house. When you get there, no one can protect you!" ”

In the Purple House, Ziyu’s grandfather is just a man who sweeps the floor. He is not qualified to see the people above, and the time to return to the Purple House at night is not long. Therefore, Ziyu even saw the standing. Like the man next to the moon, he does not know that he is the owner of the purple family...

"Miss," Ziyu smugly lifted his chin. "As long as you sell me the medicinal herbs, I can guarantee that since then, you are the ally of the purple family, no one dares to bully you!"

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