Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 1004: Sometimes it's so rude

Even Lem was dumbfounded by An Zhe's sudden words, and then he realized that An Zhe was referring to his chain hammer.

This guy is so rude sometimes...

"It's just the most common inherent magic outfit. Sister, Your Highness An Zhe's vision is really puzzling."

"It's really just the most common inherent magic outfit, Lem, Your Highness Anzhe's vision is really puzzling."

An Zhe rolled his eyes. Of course he knew that it was a built-in magic outfit. He said that his sin sword was not a built-in magic outfit. He just spoke casually.

Amelia on one side gave An Zhe a helpless look. Now that the demonized monsters have attacked, this guy still has the thoughts to be slurred.

The ice-blue magic light array condenses, Emilia's strength is not very strong, almost at the same level as Rem, the strongest is only the big elf Parker, but it is possible to deal with these jungle ghost boars.

When the girl raised her hand, many ice cones shot out, piercing a few ghost anacondas that came and fixed them on the ground.

But Lem swung the chain hammer and the iron ball with sharp teeth flew away, smashing the jungle ghost boa into two pieces.

Even Ram can use wind magic to cut the target into pieces.

It's just that her strength is too bad, and she needs to stop and rest once she starts a spell.

Lem guarded Rahm's side, attacking fiercely one by one.

Of course An Zhe knew the story between the two sisters, but now he didn't want to think about it, he didn't use the sin sword, he didn't want to use the fire system ability in this dense forest.

Although it doesn't matter if this forest is burned, after all, they are also in this forest. They are not injured, but the fire is too conspicuous, and there may be hidden enemies in the dark.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to use the fire ability, he is not only the fire ability.

The sound of electric stabbing sounded around him, and indigo electric snakes walked around him and quickly gathered towards his palm. He raised his hand, holding several electric snakes in his palm.

Today's An Zhe is very strong. Even if he doesn't exchange his ability, his strength is enough to make people look at him. Electric snakes are surging out, and those ghost boars equivalent to the strength of the third and fourth orders of human beings cannot resist.

Soon, when the last jungle ghost boar died out, Rem stopped.

"Yawn~" Parker stretched out and sat on Emilia's shoulders: "Is it finally finished..."

It didn't take any action at all, and was almost asleep waiting there.

"This should be the scout troops, it seems that the guys in the forest don't welcome us very much."

An Zhe shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and watched the dead ghost anaconda corpses begin to volatilize slowly. They were contaminated with demonic energy and were no longer pure flesh and blood.

"Then get rid of them all!" Parker stood on Emelia's shoulders with his hands on his hips with great air.

An Zhe smiled lightly and took the lead to continue deep into the forest, appearing calm.

Along the way, even Ram, whose senses are far inferior to those of Anzhe, could detect bursts of peeping gazes, but Anzhe and his party were always talking and laughing, slowly deepening into the forest. Unknowingly, he has come to the hinterland of this forest.

The feeling of being peeped suddenly became more serious. An Zhe was holding Parker and scratching his armpits, causing Parker to laugh uncomfortably, and Emilia on one side looked at An Zhe helplessly and gladly. Fighting with Parker there.

These two guys don't mean to be nervous at all...

Seeing the other party getting more and more eager to move, An Zhe blinked at Parker: "They have been watching for so long, do you want to ask them to come out for a chat?"

"Hmm, okay!" Parker didn't refuse when he heard the words. He hovered in the air and patted the fluffy palms, and slowly inhaled.


It opened its mouth, but it directly spit out a snow storm that changed the color of people's eyes. The powerful snow storm spread and swept all around.

An Zhe looked at his tongue, now it is absolutely just launching an attack at random... Parker's strength is really strong, saying...

And under Parker's drive, the creatures hidden in the jungle couldn't sit still anymore. Suddenly, a mess of magic surged, and countless monsters showed their abilities, trying to break through Parker's attack.

An Zhe saw no less than a hundred monsters emerge from the dense forest, but some of them were frozen into ice sculptures in the cold current that Parker spit out.

An Zhe didn't blink his eyes. Those weak guys died when they died. Anyway, the guy he was looking for would not die like this.

Sure enough, soon, an extremely large monster jumped out. After this guy jumped out, the monsters that had survived Parker's attack also grinned at Anzhe and his party along with the monsters.

An Zhe looked around and found that it was a rhino-like guy with brown hair and eyes as big as an electric light bulb. His height alone was nearly three meters, and his body length was more than eight meters.

What is this?

An Zhe frowned. It stands to reason that he recognizes ordinary monsters, and he has also taught this knowledge in the Magic City Academy, but he does not know the guy in front of him.

Is it because the devilish energy has caused it to mutate?

Is it possible...

An Zhe thought about it, but he heard the monster roar at him, and the response was the huge thunder and lightning that An Zhe suddenly smashed.

That thunder and lightning smashed this guy directly, and its strength was only equivalent to the fifth-order of human beings, and An Zhe's attack naturally made it unbearable.

"What are you ranting about? I ask you, have you become wise? Shake your head if you have."

Emilia is curious: "Don't you nod? Why shake your head?"

An Zhe: "Is there a difference?"

"Um...well..." The girl stopped talking with a little tangled expression.

An Zhe grinned, stepped forward, staring at the monster in front of him.

He was quite sure that this was a monster that had been invaded by demon energy, but still maintained its sanity, just like those half-devil people who were completely planted, it could completely control the demon energy in the body.

But that Warcraft was whipping his teeth towards An Zhe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with salivation in his mouth.

An Zhe was disappointed: "Hey...what...Isn't that an open-minded guy..."

Suddenly he was not interested, and waved to Parker, and said: "Can I trouble you Parker, let's find the next one."

"Good Le!" Parker clapped his palms, and the next moment the terrifying cold swept away!

A trace of instinctive fear flashed in that monster's eyes, and he was about to run away subconsciously, but was quickly overtaken by the cold and turned into an ice sculpture.

An Zhe tilted his head and looked at him, but his heart suddenly became suspicious.

I always feel something is wrong...

That is a complete species equivalent to a half-devil, a beast that can control demon energy, and now it also commands so many demonized beasts, those are equivalent to half-devil's damaged seeds...

But what's wrong with it?

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