Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 1013: It is finally to get rid of the shackles of the soul

Perhaps it was Anzhe's extremely serious praise that made De Leim a little surprised. After a slight daze, she fell into her own subjective conjecture again.

An Zhe must be complimenting herself objectively. She has heard too many compliments like this, and they would not understand. If it is a sister, she will definitely do better than herself, but her sister is just unwilling to do it.

"If it's a sister, she will do a very good job. Lem can't beat her sister, no matter what."

Rem whispered, Ram was perfect in her heart. No matter what it was when she was a child, Ram did much better than Rem, so she also left a mountain in her heart that could not be climbed.

She really admires her sister... An Zhe thought this way.

But at this time, it must be impossible to follow Lem's meaning.

An Zhe curled his mouth deliberately, squinted at Ram who was sitting quietly not far away, and muttered in a low voice.

"Really, but in my opinion, there are still many places that Ram can't compare to you. She is not physically strong, and her cooking is not as good as you. Sometimes she is lazy at work, and she is not forgiving. Lem is so gentle. And, what's more, she laughs less than you, and her **** are not as big as yours. Just this last point you are completely better than your sister!"

An Zhe shook out a whole bunch of Ram's shortcomings. Rem was still shy at first, but as he went to the back, his face couldn't help but feel a little dazed...

What are these words!

I don't need to be better than my sister in that kind of thing! !

She snorted softly in her nose, glared at An Zhe reproachfully, and blamed him for joking.

"You, you don't understand. If your sister has a horn, then this kind of evaluation will definitely not fall on her..."

The girl was not convinced to argue for her favorite sister, but An Zhe smiled slightly.

"Perhaps it is indeed as you said, the horned Ram will be better than it is now, but the reality is that the Ram I saw is not what you said."

An Zhe said, waved his hand gently, and looked at the girl in front of him seriously.

"So Lem, you care too much about whether Ram has a horn or not. You attribute all of Ram's shortcomings to her broken corners, and you take all of her broken corners to yourself. In your body, you make excuses for all of Ram’s shortcomings, but you never give yourself any chance to relax. This will be very tiring."

"From the beginning to the end, it's just because you have been caring about the corner. Except for you, everyone else, including Ram himself, didn't care about the corner."

"You have always said that you are a substitute for Ram, but in our opinion, you are actually an irreplaceable existence. After suffering for so long, you should admit it, admit that you have something that Ram doesn't have. , Face yourself frankly, don't underestimate yourself, don't blame yourself anymore."

An Zhe just said his own words in a calm tone. He didn't refute anything Lem said, because that was the ideal appearance of Ram in Lem's heart, and it was what Ram kept in Lem's heart since he was a child. Under the traces.

However, Anzhe only needs to let Leim recognize herself.

Her real heart knot is that she has always thought that she is inferior to her sister, not only incomparable, but also in many cases always making mistakes, causing immeasurable consequences.

After hearing Anzhe's gentle words, Leim was at a loss for a while. She had never thought about these, and even now she was very afraid to continue thinking about those words Anzhe said.

But the more I don't want to think about it, I can't stop thinking of Anzhe's soft words, which are full of encouragement and closeness.

The girl couldn't help but lowered her head in a little fear.

"I can't do it... Lem can't do that... Lem is very weak, will cause trouble to others, and will continue to rely on others..."

Leim's voice was low, but An Zhe couldn't hear clearly. Hearing that there was a smile on his face, he finally shook Leim's heart.

"So what does it matter! We are all happy to let Rem rely on!"

An Zhe stood up, stretched out his hand and stood up with Lem, pointing at the world in front of him.

"Have you seen this beautiful sky? How many beautiful things have you missed so far? Don't be depressed anymore, go see a better tomorrow, and let us move forward with each other. Missed Yes, just use a more positive way to make up for it. Let's face it with us with a smile, I am so, so yearning for that kind of life..."

An Zhe said softly, looking at the distant sky, a nostalgic smile appeared on his face. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he was reminiscing about the days when he was extremely satisfied.

That is also the motivation that has been motivating him to move forward...

Lem looked at An Zhe's face blankly, it was undeniable that she was really touched by the thick yearning on the boy's face.

It turned out that he was looking forward to it, looking forward to the future life with hope.

Also, I hope I can join...

Lem thought about this, and finally showed a smile of relief on his face, and then the smile grew thicker, but there were tears in his eyes, and finally it couldn't stop streaming down.

"You are such a weird person..."

She laughed while shedding tears, and said softly in her mouth.

Anzhe smiled: "Really? Who knows..."

He reached out and flicked Lem's cheek~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and gently wiped the tears that flowed down, with a soft smile on his face.

At this time, the sun finally climbed up with difficulty, showing its dazzling body unscrupulously, the ray of light pierced the clouds, and everything in the world seemed to brighten up at this moment.

The only ones that were dimly cast out were all gone, the layers of the tree canopies were shaking, and Lin Hai was blown by the morning wind, seemingly ripples, and the shining scene reflected Anzhe and Lem. In the eyes.

An Zhe tilted his head slightly, and he saw that under the bright sunlight, Lem's face had a moving smile, it was so vivid and bright, and his whole person was full of different kinds of anger.

On one side, Ram and Emilia also opened their eyes. They were awake all the time, and they heard Anzhe and Leim talking. At this time, there was a touching smile on their faces, and there was relief in their eyes.

An Zhe stretched out his arms and grinned comfortably.

"Ha! It's a beautiful morning!"

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