Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 103: There is no such thing as a dead fish and a broken net

The consciousness of the godcracking fire was restored to the time before the power of the saint was used, and there was still a trace of confusion.

Albert hurried forward and softly explained a few words in his ear.

He had already seen that An Zhe's ability would erase a period of memory.

As for Ash, I am really not calm at this moment...

Wha...what the hell! !

I was exhausted until I was exhausted by my own desperate work. What is that magic! Why can even the consumption of others be restored! !

No matter that Ashiu is not frantic, it is indeed An Zhe's magic that is re-achieving. It is too shocking!

Don't bring such a bully...

Seeing this scene, no matter the capable person or the person watching through the broadcast, almost all laughed out loud...

The power of the saint of the Godscraper and the infinite recovery of the mysterious man... Please ask for the area of ​​the psychological shadow of Ash?

"Puff haha...hmmm!!"

Suddenly someone couldn't help it, laughed out loud, and was quickly covered by a person next to him.

But this laughter was naturally heard by people, and even broadcasted clearly.

Ah Xiu's face was suddenly ugly to the extreme!

"But... damn..."

The strong magic energy in Ashiu's body was turbulent, and his emotions were extremely unstable!

He rebroadcast the situation here, just to let everyone see the despair of these capable people! It is to show the process of reaching the peak and make everyone tremble!

However... he was slapped in the face by An Zhe time and time again, and they were all slapped loudly!

He felt that his face was about to burn, and the anger in his heart almost filled his chest!

"You can! Very good! Simply beautiful..."

He suddenly spoke so softly, praising the capable people sentence by sentence.


This guy won't be madly stupid, right...

People's eyes suddenly became weird.

"Hey... I calculated it for two years... In the end, it was destroyed by a Tier 4 ant, and even forced to go nowhere? How ridiculous..."

Ah Xiu spoke so softly, but none of those half-devil dared to speak.

Nine Thousand Gods could not help sighing, and his heart was very aggrieved!

They are all in danger...

At this time, the state of the godcracking fireweaving is very good, but Ash has already spent too much, even if he can consume the godcracking fireweaving again to exhaustion...

Heh...Unless this mysterious person is killed, the God Splitting Huozhi can incarnate infinitely as the "God Breaker"!

But... kill this mysterious person?

Nine Thousand Gods sighed bitterly at An Zhe who was guarded by the capable person in the center...

How can this kind of thing be done!


Ah Xiu suddenly laughed, his eyes full of madness!

"I didn't want to do that... But just in case, I left the last resort..."

He murmured: "I thought I was foolproof and would not use this move. After all, using it... also means that my plan has completely failed... but..."

Suddenly, Ah Xiu looked at An Zhe with murderous intent: "Even if the plan fails, it is still able to complete a part of my original plan! I... want you to die!!"

He hates it! Why... I didn't kill this guy directly! ! !

Now... it's too late...

My plan to break through to the seventh-tier peak completely failed...

So... everyone go to die! !

Suddenly, Ashura sang a spell, and the blood refining formation hummed suddenly, and the surging magic energy made the sky change color!

This...this volatility...

"Strategic-level magic?" Shencrahuozhi's expression changed, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Hehe... Strategic level requires such a terrifying price, I'm not that stupid yet."

A thick madness appeared on Ash's face: "I just... activated the blew spell of the blood refining magic circle!"

"Master Blood Shura!!"

Hearing what Ashiu said, even those half-devil people couldn't help but panic!

The expression of the Nine Thousand Gods has changed dramatically! This magic circle... but it has been arranged by Ashiu for more than a year!

If it explodes, it can be compared with strategic magic!

Not to mention... this kind of self-destruction, regardless of the enemy and me!

At that time, it is estimated that except for a few strong... everyone else will have to die here! !

"My lord...In this case..."

Nine Thousand Gods glanced at the half-devil, and couldn't help but speak out, but he couldn't say what he said.

Everyone knew what he meant. The half-devil faces were full of fear, and the eyes of Ah Xiu were pleading.

It's just that at this moment, Ash no longer pays attention to these!

"A bunch of useless waste! Go to death!"

Hearing his extremely cold words, the half-devil suddenly despaired!

For them, the capable people can't talk about sympathy, but their expressions are also very ugly!

What is strategic magic? In layman's terms, that is forbidden curse!

Kamikaze Hoori can't protect so many people! This is a truth that everyone can think of...

Everyone's eyes looking at Ashiu were full of murderous intent!

This, even his own people will not let go... lunatic! ! !

At this moment, the blood refining formation above the sky is exuding extremely terrifying fluctuations, a wave of magic energy is flowing in the formation, and at the same time, it is madly absorbing the magic energy between heaven and earth!

The air of destruction is brewing quickly! !

Being under the formation, An Zhe, who has become a capable person, can also clearly feel the waves of destruction in the formation, his eyes can not help but become solemn.

This is a bit troublesome...

He glanced at the protagonist's ability mall, that ability...I don't know if this magic circle can be eliminated...

It's just... such a powerful force, even with that ability, can't completely offset it, right?

"Rely... It's really a big game now..."

He couldn't help muttering like this, frowning ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hesitating.

The destructive power is rapidly gathering, An Zhe is a little anxious.

Can't hesitate anymore, the power of the formation is getting stronger and stronger!


With a fierce look in his eyes, he was about to flap his magical wings and fly towards the formation, but just as he moved, a breath of awe suddenly enveloped the whole place!

Om~~Om! !

A strong dizzy sound suddenly sounded, and the entire space was violently shaking!

Ok? this is……

An Zhe's figure just about to act couldn't help but stop, everyone was stunned to see that at the end of the sky's formation, a circle of gorgeous magic vortex appeared!

"Ultra-long-distance destructive magic?"

Someone let out a cry of surprise.

In the center of the magic vortex, in the dark space, several figures suddenly appeared!

Everyone's eyes focused on the headed girl wearing a blue armor skirt and holding a golden holy sword!

"That...that is..."

In major cities, those people who were so impatient with the twists and turns of development all opened their mouths blankly...

In everyone's eyes, the girl standing in the sky slowly raised the holy sword in her hand!

The bright golden light pierced the sky and stirred the blood clouds all over the sky.

Between heaven and earth, the endless magic power directly surrendered, swarming towards the golden holy sword, the holy sword has forcibly taken away the attraction of the blood refining array to the magic power!

Ashiu's eyes changed like never before!

"How... how could... why did she come here!!!"

No one paid attention to Ashiu's shock anymore, everyone looked at the distance with great shock, the golden light that became more and more dazzling! !

at last……

The girl's eyes under the golden bangs slowly opened. Between the heavens and the earth, the girl's extremely firm voice sounded...


"Sword of Victory!!!"

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